The Bet

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  Why? Why would Pj do this? First of all call Dan a fag, and second, send some girl after him? I mean, he has good intentions, but what the hell? This just isn't like him. As Phil contemplated this, he suddenly felt an arm around his shoulder.

"What's up, friend?" Chris's familiar, upbeat voice chirped. Chris has always been a good buddy, almost never the source of conflict in their group of friends. "Heard Pj set you up with Cassie! She seemed pretty happy to be the one he chose to be your girl. You feel the same?" He asked, leading Phil with his arm to the mens bathroom, the place they liked to hang out when they skipped class.

"Uh, I-I mean, she seems like a nice girl and all, really... I just don't think she's... My type?" Phil said, rubbing the back of his neck. As they walked into the bathroom, Chris looked at Phil and tilted his head.

"Then what is your type? I thought she seemed like a good fit..." He mumbled, sitting on the sink and taking an unopened pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket.

"I don't know... Someone more... I don't know." Phil replied, promptly shaking his head and looking at the ground. Chris bit the inside of cheek and opened the pack of cigarettes, sticking one in his mouth and lighting it with the old beaten up lighter he kept in his front pocket. Phil looked up and grabbed the box out of his hand took another cigarette and putting it in is mouth, Chris lighting it for him. They sat there in silence for a while, puffing out clouds of smoke every once in a while, when Phil finally spoke up.

"Chris, I... I think I like guys." He said, looking up at Chris as he stood, his back pressed up against the wall. Chris looked back at Phil, wide eyed and his cigarette hanging out of his open mouth. After a good 15 seconds of staring at eachother, he finally took the cigarette out of his mouth and rubbed it onto the edge of the sink, putting it out.

"Are you sure?" He asked, pursing his lips slightly. Class is definitely in session by now, so there is no chatter, no sounds of footsteps outside the door, just Phil, Chris and their words hanging in the air. Phil nodded, looking down at his shoes, bracing himself for whatever harsh words Chris had prepared for him. But instead of yelling, all he got was a stifled laugh, he looked back at Chris, and saw him with his hand over his mouth, trying to keep the laughter in. Finally, he gave up, and hysterical laughter filled the room.

"What is it?" Phil asked, slightly panicking. Was Chris laughing at him? Oh god this is the end of their friendship isn't?

"Nothing it's just... God! Cat owes me like, 100 bucks!" Chris finally got out between wheezes, almost falling off the sink. Phil was confused. He gave Chris a look expressing just that emotion and more, and Chris put his hand on his shoulder. "Phil... When we first met you, me and Cat made a bet if you'd be gay or not, and guess who just won the bet!" He yelled, a smile on his face the whole time.

Somehow, this made Phil feel... Better. He felt like it was supposed to offend him but, no. He thinks it was the fact that Chris accepted him? Or maybe the fact that it's not that big of a deal. Whatever it was, Phil felt like half the weight he had was just taken off his shoulders. Now he guesses all he has to worry about is Dan now.

A/N: Hey! Two chapters in one day! This might not even be the last one! The night is young and I'm bored af. Anyway, I feel really bad for not updating for so long, so here you go! I hope you enjoy. But, brace yourselves, because no matter when I update the story, the next chapter is gonna be a big one. Kinda like a mini climax. Get ready!

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