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A/N: WARNING! There's a derogatory curse word at the end of this chapter. Also, Pj is almost an antagonist in this one, I just want you to know; I love Pj, and I don't think badly of him. I just needed someone to be a conflict, and he just seemed like a good choice. I hope you understand.

Phil was sitting in math class mindlessly doodling on a worksheet the teacher had handed out, just something he did everyday. Though, he noticed that every thought he had led to Dan. Thinking about someting brown? Dan's eyes. A flower? The color of his jumper. Why was this boy, who was basically a stranger to him on his mind? Suddenly, he got a tap on the shoulder from behind him, breaking him out of his trance. A girl... He'd seen her around school, she had long blonde hair that she always wore in a braid, and blue eyes, that in Phil's opinion, were always covered in just a little bit too much eyeshadow. "Hey... I noticed you seemed to have trouble with the math paper. I could help if you want." She whispered to him, leaning in, pressing a hand on his chest to keep balance.

"Oh, No, I don't need h-help. I was just doodling, and st-stuff..." His words tripped over his tongue, coming out as a painful stutter. Has this lady ever heard of personal space? Maybe she just doesn't know she's doing this. Should he tell her? As these thoughts were racing through his mind, she had leaned over his shoulder and was looking at his work. He turned around in his seat to face forward again, awkwardly waiting as she looks over his work perched on his shoulder.

"Hmm. It's a nice drawing, but you don't have any work done. Okay, listen. I'm gonna do you favor and do the work myself. Hold on." She said hastily, looking up at the clock. She grabbed the paper from Phil's desk and sat down at her own, going to work. Okay, Phil will admit; that was a pretty nice gesture. It still doesn't really explain why she's doing it in the first place... 2 minutes pass and the clock is ticking. The teacher gave us 10 minutes to do the work, and there's one more minute to go until we've got to turn in the papers. Phil looks at the girl and back at the clock anxiously, hoping she makes it in time. This teacher has always been so strict about grades, even on worthless worksheets like this; and Phil just cannot clean the cafeteria again or he'll lose his goddamn mind. Finally, he felt another tap on his shoulder. He looked back and she had the paper in hand, completed. Oh, thank god...

"Time's up! Come turn in your papers!" Mrs. Parker's harsh voice screeched from her desk, already tapping the desk with her long red fingernails impatiently. All of the students collectively got up from their desks, most of them groaning. Phil nodded at the girl gratefully and took the paper. He got up and placed it on the teacher's desk, sighing in relief that it's all over. Mrs. Parker took one looknat the worksheet and scoffed. As Phil was walking back to his desk triumphantly, she spoke up. "Uh, Mister Lester. It seems you have been passing notes? If I catch you doing this again, you'll be mopping the bathroom floors during lunch break." She said, loud enough so everyone could hear. Phil looked back at her confused as she held up a yellow Post-It note to him. He shuffled over to her and took it, dumbfounded. Phil looked down at the note, and bit his lip as he read it while walking back to his desk. It had a phone number on it, and under the number, a name. Cassandra.

  Phil thought a moment, trying to remember if he knew anyone named Cassandra... Then, it hit him. As he sat down at his desk he came to the realization that Cassandra must be the girl! He whipped his head around and looked at her. She was smirking. Phil gestured to the note in his hand and she nodded, biting her lip. Suddenly, as he turned back around in his seat, he felt his back pocket vibrate. He took his phone out and saw a text notification.

Pj👽: You're welcome. Thought you might need a girl by your side to get fags off your mind 😎

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