Glass Doors

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It was 2 AM, and Phil could not sleep for the life of him. He was stuck in a loop of staring at the ceiling, thinking of Dan, or thinking of Dan while staring at the ceiling.

He finally decided to end this vicious cycle by texting Cat.

Phil: u up?
Cat😹: no 😱
Phil: dude I was thinking, we should throw a party at the last day of school. it ends in like, 3 days
Cat😹: YESSS! totally! u have the best ideas at 2 in the mornin tbh
Phil: why thank you 😎
Cat😹: so, who should we invite?
Phil: everyone! it will be like the offical end of school party, since that guy that threw them before moved to germany or smthin
Cat😹: ooh! yesssss! maybe not gabriel and the jelly-brained people he calls his friends tho, rite?
Phil: definitely not
Cat😹: and maybe we should hold off on that dan boy.
Phil: wait. why?
Cat😹: u been hangin out with him a lot lately, not to mention you saved his ass. people might think ur gay! lol
Phil: actually... i kinda am gay...
Cat😹: wut
Phil: yeah...
Phil: 😂😂😂 i know chris told me when I came out to him this mornin
Cat😹: omg, wait. if u are gay... R U GAY FOR DAN??? 😱😱😱
Phil: ...
Cat😹: Oml!
Phil: dont tell him!!! its just a tiny crush...
Cat😹: ok ok. so u invitin him? and then everyone else in the school?
Phil: yep
Cat😹: cool sounds like a plan! 😁 now if youll excuse me, imma get my beauty sleep. night night
Phil: goodnight

He shut off his phone laid it on his stomach, smiling. He was actually excited to go to school tomorrow, how crazy was that? Suddenly, his phone vibrated. He thought it was another text from Cat, but when he turned on his phone, it was an unknown number...

Unknown: hey phil! its me, cassandra! from maths!

What the hell? How did she get this number? She gave him her number, not the other way around!

Phil: how did u get my number???
Cassie: peej gave it to me! sorry if i woke u up. i just cant stop thinkin bout you...

Oh. My. God. Phil could not believe his eyes. Was Cassie... Hitting on him?

Phil: oh
Cassie: so i thought, tomorrow, you and me, football field, lunch?

Phil could tell she was trying to be smooth, but she was failing quite miserably.

Phil: aw i wish but i made plans with my friend dan. gonna have lunch with him tomorrow 😣

Phil decided to lie. Just this one time...

Cassie: oh. well u could cancel for your fav girl, rite? 😊
                   read by Phil at 2:23 A.M.

He sighed deeply, hitting his head lightly with his phone before shutting it off and putting it on his bedside table. Why couldn't he just have one thing go right? He makes friends with Dan, who in his opinion was pretty much the one thing he could ever ask for, just to have some creepy girl on his ass! He rolled over so he was laying on his stomach and buried his face into the pillow, exhaling deeply. He closed his eyes, and tried to calm his thoughts. Before he knew it, he was drifting off into a peaceful sleep, no dreams, no worries. Of course, that all went away too when his alarm rang in his ear.

He woke up to his phone, lit up with not ten, not twenty but THIRTY notifications all from the texting app. Cassie... Decided to shake it off and get ready for school. He just slipped on whatever shirt he could find in his closet and a random pair of skinny jeans off the floor. He walked down the stairs to find yet another note on the kitchen counter.

Hey honey!
                 I came home at about three last night, and found you sleeping, so I just went to bed. I have to go on another trip soon, and by the time you'll be reading this, I'll probably already be gone. There's some tv dinners in the freezer and registration for the car has been paid, so you can finally use the car again! I'll be back when summer vacation is well on it's way!
                                                                     -Love, mum♡

Of course, she's always gone. Well, at least he can use the car. Phil walked into the garage and got into the dusty 2001 Toyota Camry his mum has had for as long as he can remember. He opened the garage door and backed out of the driveway, closing the door as he drove down the street. As he was driving, listening to Twenty One Pilots on the radio, he noticed he was drving down Digger Road. And then, much to his amusement, he saw Dan, walking down the street towards the bus stop. Phil decided to have a little fun with him, and honked his horn as he drove right by the side of him. Dan screamed in terror and jumped, which made Phil roar in laughter. Dan saw him in the drivers seat and shot him an angered, but playful look.

"Phil, you absolute ass!" He laughed out, walking to the drivers window. Phil smiled at him, his tongue sticking out between his teeth.

"Get in, loser, we're going shopping." Phil said, gesturing to the passenger door and giggles escaping between words. Dan lets a laugh slip out as he goes around the car and gets in the passenger seat.

"Since when have you had this?" Dan said, clicking the belt buckle into the clip and holding his faded pastel blue backpack in his lap.

"You've known me for two days, I could be a three toddlers in trench coat for all you know!" Phil retorted laughingly as he continued on the road, bobbing his head to the song on the radio. Dan giggled endearingly and looked out the window, his head in his hands.

"So, me and Cat, a friend of mine, are planning a party, probably at my place on the last day of school. Everyone will be there. I thought you'd... Like to come? Maybe?" Phil asked awkwardly, looking at Dan as they waited at a red light.

They made eye contact as Dan looked over at him, twisting his face into something that can be only described as a thinking face. "I-I mean, parties aren't really my scene... But... If you're gonna be there... Sure." Dan said, taking a deep breath before saying the last word.

"You sure your parents will be okay with it? My parties get pretty crazy..." Phil trailed off, tapping the steering wheel nervously as they pulled into a parking spot at the high school.

"Please, my 'parents' didn't even notice when I came home with a busted lip last night." He retorted, making finger quotes when he said the word parents. He got out of the car and closed the door behind him. Phil followed him as he walked up the path towards the entrance of the school.

Dan looked at Phil and a small smile forming on his face when he looked up at him. He huffed and looked up at the large words in scuffed metal letters spelling, 'Markus Smiths Memorial High School' he looked at Phil and shrugged, simply saying a phrase Phil knew he would hear more oftenbthen not from Dan.

"Let's go through the glass doors of hell."

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