~Chapter Seven~ Welcome Home, Or Not

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Hey readers!

So here's chapter seven. It might be short but I can't do anything about it.Well I can but I don't know. Anyways enjoy!!!!!!:D

(new song: It girl)



______________Ok this is a pic of Jason and his mate Melinda___________

~Chapter Seven~ Welcome Home,or Not

Ally's POV

"Jason I'm leaving tomorrow"I say through the phone to my best friend.

"Awe baby"he cooed back. I roll my eyes. He always calls me baby, but I'm ok with it cause he's been my best friends for three years now. He also knows why I came here. He's the only one actually who knows about Nate.

I'm thankful that he understands me.

"I'm sorry, I tried to convince them but you know my father, he'd do anything for his pack"I explained to him.

"Yea,yea I know, anyways I'll be at yours in 10"he said and hung up.

I go finish packing my bags. I look around. I'm going to really miss this place.

I decided to call my dance partner and tell her I'm leaving.

The phone rings three times before she picked up.

"Hé Linda(hey Linda)"I say in French. She can't speak English well so we speak french but she can understand English.

"quoi de neuf(whats up)"she asked.

"Rien beaucoup, je veux juste te dire que je pars de nouveau à Georgia et que je ne pense pas je serai de retour bientôt.(Nothing much, I just want to tell you that I'm leaving back to Goergia and that I dont think I will be back soon.)"I replied.

"Miel de crainte je suis désolé, j'espère que vous venez pour visiter un jour ou l'autre. Vous savez ce que serai là je dans 5 minutes. Miel secondaire(Awe honey I'm sorry, I hope you come to visit sometime. You know what I'll be there in 5 minutes. Bye honey)"she said and hung up.

Linda is Jason's sister in law and they have so much in common. I swear it's like they're both brother and sister. Which there are but..you know what I mean.

I wait as my friends arrive. This might be the last time we see each other. Well until I come visit them or they come visit me.

I heard a knock and knew it was Jason. I open the door and let my best friend in.

"Jason!"I shout and jump on him. Wrapping my legs and arms around him.

"Aww baby I'm gonna miss you to"he cooed as he carried me to the lounge.

"I don't wanna go Jay Jay"I whined using the nick name I have for him. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and breathed him in. This might seem weird but that's how we are with each other. People sometimes mistaking us as a couple but we're not. Jason has a mate so that won't be happening any time soon. Shes also ok about our relationship. He's crazy about Melina and she's his life. Trust me when you're next to them then you will be gagging. They don't care where they are or who's around them. They well literally do each other in front of you. Memories flash back and I shudder.

"Baby, you'll be fine I'll call you everyday and we can video chat everyday, if you want?"he said moving away so he can look at me. I just nodded and hugged him tight. I'm really going to miss my Jay Jay.

After a while Linda and Melina arrived. We watched movies,played games,chatted, watched Jason and Mel go on at it but thankfully Linda and I left before they went any further.

We walked to my room and sat on my bed.

I kept thinking about my friends and everything. Man I'm gonna really miss everyone so much.

"Bébé que tout sera bon. Jay, Rick, Mel et je ne parle que vous tous les jours. Il sera comme vous n'a jamais quitté. Maintenant cheer up.(Baby everything will be okay. Jay,Rick,Mel, and I will talk to you everyday. It will be like you never left. Now cheer up.)"Linda said after awhile of watching my sad expression.

"I'm sorry Lin, you know how I hate going back there"I said and looked down at my lap.

She just nodded and came and gave me a hug. She got up and said she will be back. She wants to tell her mate Rick to come over and hang out with us.

We had so much fun and it seemed that time ran by so fast cause now I'm in the airport waving a goodbye to everyone.


Unknown POV

"What?!"I shout at one of my workers.

"I'm sorry sir but she's leaving right now. I just got the news reported five minutes ago"he said scared shitless.

I slammed my hands or more like fists on the desk making it break in half. I was beyond angry. I just found out my angel is leaving this right second. I don't think I can reach her in time.

I will find you soon princess, I will find you and make you mine. Forever.


Nate's POV

My hands were sweating and I've been pacing my room for the last 34 hours. Ally will be here in 4 hours. It's like I aged 50 years and I'm still stressing out.

What will I say to her?

How will her reaction be when she sees me?

Does she hate me?

What did I ever do to her to make her upset?

Questions have been popping in my head since the day I found out (which was yesterday) she's coming back. I really have no clue what's so ever on how to greet her. We haven't talked for the last three years and half. I miss her so much but I'm scared shitless. This girl means everything to me. And I just can't seem to forget about her. I don't know why but hopefully someone someday will tell me what's really happening.

I felt sick, I ran to my bathroom and threw the left over of the food that was left from yesterdays dinner. I can't seem to eat much anymore. It's weird I usually eat every ten to twenty minutes, but now every thing seems to be the last on my mind. This is really frustrating. Ally please tell me everything when you arrive.

I pass out and have the same dream about Ally that I have been having since the night before. God I wish my dream isn't really related to what's happening right now.


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Thank you all!!! Lyssa:)

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