~Chapter Twenty-Two~ Im Sorry

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Ok so I know it's been so long since I've updated and I'm so sorry about that but I was very busy and I had writers block. I hope you all can understand. Anyways go enjoy this chapter even though its kinda short but I need to hurry and finish this story before I give up. There's like maybe 8-10 chapters left and then it will be done. Hopefully.


~Chapter Twenty-Two~ I'm Sorry


I walked in with Nate on my back and ran to the pack doctors cabin. I pushed open the door and put him on the bed.

"Oh no"Mrs.Tee mumbled. Oh my god what's wrong?


"What do you mean 'oh no'"I asked getting angry and worried.

"The girl that injected this into him is definitely a werewolf. She knew what she was doing. She gave him SOA. That is highly untreatable. She must of went through hell to get find it. It's a 1/1000 chance of finding it."she explain. I was kind of confused.

"What's SOA"I asked (made that disease up lol)

"Its Silver Overdose Actonel, if a human just gets one tiny drop of it their body turns into ashes on the spot. But since Nate is a werewolf it takes a while for that to happen. There's only one way this can be treated."she went on.

"What is it I'll do anything"I begged.

"You have to find this girl and you have to battle with her. If you win you'll over take her crown and at the same time you have to get lots of her blood into a bottle. We have to mix her blood and your blood and let Nate drink it all."she said.

"Wait wait what do you mean 'crown'?"

"I just thought about it the only person that can get this disease product is the only great dark wolf queen. There has been rumors that she was killed but to come to this she's still alive."she paused "you're the great white wolf right?"she asked.

"Yes I guess. That was what I was told"I told her.

"You're the only one that can defeat her. It was said that there's only one wolf that can defeat the queen of darkness and its her total opposite. Which is you the queen of light. You have some what three mates, yea? After this battle your true mate will be revealed. I don't know how or when but it will happen. You don't have much time you need to find her and finish her for real this time."she explained and left the room.

I turned to Nate. "I will find her. I will defeat her. And I will get your life back from her I promise you. Something about you just makes me want to do anything. And I will. Which me luck Nate" I kissed his cold cheek and left the room.

'Everyone meeting room. Now!"I sent to everyone. My pack and Nate's pack. Five minutes and everyone was gathered up.

"If you guys haven't known yet Nate is in a coma because the Great Dark Wolf Queen has come and injected something into his body to get to me. It's time to end this. I was also told that I'm the only one that can defeat her. I give you guys my word that ill bring her head back after the battle in 2 weeks. We need to train our asses off for this battle. We need to all come back in one piece. No one gets anywhere near the queen. She's all mine. Everyone one understood?!"I demanded.

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