Past: The Heart Of A Teacher ❤️

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Henry came through the door. "How was school?" "Good and mom Kylie didn't answer." "Well she might not be evil." I said. "Well I'm pretty sure she is and I will get information out of her." "How do you know she's evil Henry." "I just know." He stomped up the stairs to do his homework. Emma started getting worried about him. Why does he think this girl is so evil? The door bell rang. "Oh Killian remeber your keys next time!" She said aloud. She opened the door and it wasn't Killian. It was a girl about Henry's age with blond hair and blue eyes standing with Henry's girlfriend Violet.
"Hi Emma me and Kylie are coming to study with Henry.",Violet told Emma.
" Your Kylie?"
"Does Henry talk about me?" Kylie asked enthusiasticly.
"No, he's up stairs." Emma told them.
Was that Kylie she looked so sweet and innocent?! Why did Henry think she was evil. Emma went back to playing with Patience and Faith. An hour later Killian came home.
"Why do you look so confused love?" He asked Emma.
"This Kylie girl Henry's talking about doesn't seem evil."
"Maybe She's mean in public."
"Then why would Violet be friends with her."
"I don't know, love."
"Bye Henry" Emma heard Violet say. "Bye" Kylie said from up the stairs.
"Thanks for tutoring us Kylie!" Violet said coming down the stairs.
"Your welcome."
"Where is Henry?" Emma asked when they reached the bottom of the steps.
"He is in his room still. He's playing his gameboy." Violet answered.
"Ok, bye girls."
"Bye" Emma closed the door behind them.
"She's probably a mean tutor" Killian stated.
"Maybe. I'm going to see where she lives."
"Why would you do that?!" He said.
"Henry likes everyone usually and I want to see if he's right about this girl. Maybe she is evil."
Emma put her key in the hole and slowly and far away so the girls couldn't notice she followed them. Kylie waved goodbye to Violet at her house. Then Emma kept following Kylie. She went into Henry's school building. She walked into a classroom with a very nice looking lady in it, she was crying. Emma tried to watch but Kylie closed the blinds of the window of the classroom she was in. Emma decided to turn around. Kylie probably just wanted to have a private conversation with a teacher. Emma drove back to her home. The baby's were crying one in Killian's arms the other in Henry's arms.
"Hello Love"
"They cried when you left Mom." Henry said.
"Does your friend Kylie have a close relationship with a teacher?" Emma asked Henry.
"Well she always talks to Mrs. Nolan." He answered her question.
5:00 am *Emma's phone rings*
"Ugh, Hello?"
"EMMA YOU AND KILLIAN GET OVER TO THE SCHOOL AS FAST AS YOU CAN" David Emma's dad yelled through the phone.
"Coming! Killian get up!"
"Already love?"
"Get up its an emergency."
"Of course there's an emergency."
Emma told Henry to watch the babies while she and Killian went to see what was happening.
They arrived at the school minutes later. David's police car and Regina's car were parked by the building. Emma and Killian ran inside. They heard Regina's voice, " Who would do this!"
They went inside the classroom where they heard Regina's yell. Mrs. Nolan was lying on the floor dead.
"Someone took her heart out! And we don't know who yet!" Regina told Emma and Hook.
"One of those wizards?" Killian asked.
"No they can't take our hearts, I think I know who it is." Emma said.
"Who?!" Regina yelled.
"Henry's friend Kylie came here last night to this classroom."
"We don't have proof" David said.
"We will, I'll find the heart." Emma said.

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