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j e n n i f e r

JENNIFER DRAGGED HER FEET TO THE KITCHEN, the worry still gnawing away at her from the night before.

She didn't hear Sebastian come in last night, so she poked her head around the corner to see if he was on the couch.

And sure enough, he was fast asleep, his shirt ruffled and his shoes discarded by the door.

She walked over to him, staring at his motionless figure for a while, trying to figure out what to say.

She didn't want to get angry, she had no right to. But he scared her, she thought something terrible had happened to him.

Jennifer prodded him on this cheek, laughing a little at the silly expression he made. He stirred, but after a few more pokes to the cheeks he jolted awake.

His gaze met Jennifer's stern one, and he sighed, remembering.

"Jen, I'm sorry-"

"Where were you?" She cut him off, crossing her arms.

Sebastian rubbed his eyes, dismissing her question.

"I'm sorry, things took longer than I expected."

She smiled sadly at him, slapping him playfully on the arm.

"Don't do it again, you scared me shitless." Her voice was serious, but the was a slight chuckle behind her words.

He sighed in relief, following her out into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" She asked him, getting the mugs out from the cupboard.

Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck, and Jennifer narrowed her eyes.

"No thank you, I've actually got to be going, I'll be late." He said, rolling an apple into his hands from the fruit bowl, and winking at her.

He ducked out of the kitchen, and into the hall where he slipped on his shoes, dark coat and scarf.

Jennifer followed closely behind.

"Late for what?" She tried to hide her disappointment, but the frown on her face came through.

"I'll be back soon," He called out to her, before sliding out of the front door.

She gritted her teeth.

Where could he possibly be going now?

Her face dropped as the realisation clicked in her head.

What if someone prettier had come along, like Lucas said?

It made sense, he did seem rather excited to leave.

Jennifer rushed back into the kitchen and tried to take her mind off it, by pouring herself a mug of coffee.

She waited impatiently for the kettle to boil, her fingers tapping furiously against the counter as her mind raced.

The click made her jump, her heart was beating way too fast for her body to cooperate.

She scrambled for her phone, desperate to talk to Sarah.

Sarah would know what to do.


seb why

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