1.18 r|l

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j e n n i f e r

WIPING HER CHEEKS CLEAN OF MAKEUP, Jennifer kicked the doormat away, in hope that Sebastian had remembered to leave the key out.

She sighed in relief as she uncovered the little round key and ducked down to retrieve it.

Jennifer heard some commotion inside the house as she fumbled with the lock, making her curiosity distract her from her doubt.

She slowly opened the door, surprised to see the lights on at this time of night.

"Hello?" She called out, slipping off her coat and dropping her bag down on the cabinet.

She gasped in fright as Sebastian ran out from the bathroom and breathlessly into the hall. His wide eyes instantly fell on her and he relaxed.

"Are you okay?" Jen asked, frowning slightly at his flustered state.

Sebastian shook his head. Jen opened her mouth to question it, but Sebastian cut her off by sweeping her into his arms bridal style, and carrying her to the living room.

She let out a small giggle, patting his back with a curse. He still didn't say anything, but a smirk was glued to his face.

The two collapsed on the sofa, and Sebastian secured his girlfriend in his arms, tightening his hold slightly. She reluctantly cuddled into him, a familiar flush of warmth spreading through her.

"I love you." Sebastian said suddenly, his voice dripping with sincerity. He pressed a long kiss to Jennifer's forehead.

"I love you, Jennifer. I love every part of you."

Jennifer's heart fluttered, her mind falling into a serene state of silence as she looked up at Sebastian.

"Never, never listen to your head, promise me? You are beautiful, inside and out." He whispered softly, but his words sounded uncomfortably familiar.

Jennifer instantly retorted, pushing herself up from the sofa and staring at Sebastian with narrowed eyes.

"Stop." She warned, her voice wavering. She felt the lump in her throat rise, and tears threaten to spring to her eyes.

Sebastian frowned, standing up to face her. She quickly shook her head, pushing him back with her hands.

"Jen, you are perfect." He assured with an almost desperate tone, but Jennifer felt her eyes blurring with tears.

She shook her head again in denial, biting her lip.

"I know there's no magic cure, but I am always here for you, I want to help you. Please-"

"Help?! I don't need help!" She cut him off with an angered laugh.

"I need people to stop pitying me and assuming that I need help!"
Jennifer snapped, her tears falling for the second time that night, and her anger burning in her lungs with every shaky breath she took.

Sebastian's glassy eyes met hers, making the guilt hit her like a speeding train.

Her arms fell limp at her sides, her eyes closing with a quiet whimper.

She felt Sebastian engulf her in a hug and she melted into him, gripping his shoulder blades tightly.

"I just want you to see yourself the way I do." Sebastian whispered carefully, running his fingers through her hair.

She nodded, not able to form a coherent sentence. Sebastian rested his chin over her head, holding her there in the living room as she cried away her pain.

"It'll all be okay in the end, I promise."


this sucks ass but whatever you get the gist

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