Chapter 1: On the Road

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Chapter 1: On the Road

The sun was beating down on my head, it was making my scalp burn, but I was too tired to care anymore. I was currently walking through a desert with my best friend in the whole wide world, Leia. She was a light pink exceed and wore a white sleeveless shirt and a brown skirt. She tied a brown bow around her left ear and wore a little tie. It was adorable.

Leia was complaining about how hungry she was and to be completely honest, it was driving me crazy. I sighed and looked at my friend. "There should be a town nearby." I said, trying to comfort her and not snap, but she still complained.

Suddenly, the wind picked up and started blowing my hair all over my face. I pulled my hood over my head and Leia jumped inside. She sighs and got comfortable on my head. I look farther down the sand dunes and seen a tower in the distance. "Leia." I said, pointing to the tower, smiling. Leia got excited. She jumped off my head, wrapped her tail around my waist and we flew off towards the tower.

I was right, there was definitely a city nearby. Leia dropped me in front of the sign and it read, Magnolia. I watched a few people leave the city on foot and I thought they were crazy, but I also left the last city on foot and look how that turned out, so I really had no room to judge. And those people didn't smell like wizards, so I couldn't say why they were leaving.

Those people gave me a weird look and I just smiled at them, trying to be polite. The wind was coming down at me, so when I smelt that smell, I froze. It was a dragon smell... and there were more than one. I took off running, and Leia grabbed my jacket and clung onto me for dear life.

I ran all the way up a hill to find a building sitting at the top, the name Fairy Tail written on the sign. The smell was coming from inside the building, but it was definitely too small for three dragons to fit in. Hell, I don't think even one could.

I ran to the door and slammed them open. Everyone stared at me, wide-eyed and startled. I looked around and like I originally thought, there were no dragons inside this building.

Leia huffed and rested on my shoulder. "Where are we?" she asked, tired from clinging onto me. I shrugged and watched a little old man walk over to me.

"Hello, child." he said. "What do you need?" We looked at him and Leia started to pull backwards on my ear, trying to get me to leave. I felt anxious standing in front of this man, and I wanted to run, but I was too curious about the smells coming from inside this building.

I looked down at my feet. "I... I was looking for someone... and I ended up here." I said, quietly. I glanced up at the old man and gave him a shy smile. My adrenaline was faded and so was my strength in my body. I didn't exactly want to crash here, but hey, I can't control these things.

I felt to the ground and groaned. I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes. I could feel Leia's paws on my face, trying to wake me up, but I was severely dehydrated and lack food, so I had no strength to get up. Hell, I don't even know if I was going to live after this. The only thing I did know, if there wasn't any dragons here, maybe there were dragon slayers instead. Maybe if I survive, I'll find out.

Hey guy and welcome to my story! I actually wrote this on Quotev a couple years ago and my writing has improve a lot since then, so I wanted to rewrite this story and some of my other ones. I want to put out the best quality of books I can, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thanks so much, and don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like it. Have a great day (afternoon or night)!

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