Chapter 2: Joining Fairy Tail

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Chapter 2: Joining Fairy Tail

I woke up, completely sweating, and I realize I was in a bed. I didn't know where I was, and Leia was nowhere to be found, so it was okay to panic, right? I put my nose up in the air and smelt around. I could smell a lot of wizards downstairs, and one was right outside my door. I didn't recognize the smell, so I immediately went into attack mode.

The door opened and Leia flew inside. She saw me and flew at me like a speeding bullet. A voluptuous woman with long, white hair walked in the room, a tray of food in her hands. "Oh, you're awake." she said, smiling. Her voice was high pitch. "That's good, everyone was really worried about you. My name is Mira. Here's your food, and I'll go tell everyone that you are awake."

She set the food down on the bed and turned to leave. "Wait." I said, quickly. She stopped and looked back at me, curious. "How did I get into this bed? Who brought me here?"

Mira smiled at me. "Oh, Natsu carried you up here and put you in the bed." she said. At that, she left. I glanced at the food and pushed it towards Leia, wanting her to eat before me. Leia shook her head and pushed the food back to me.

"I already ate with the others. You need to eat, Kira." she said. I looked down at the food and hesitated. She gave it another nudge and I sighed.

"Alright." I said and I ate the food. When I was done, I snuck out of the room and crept down the hallway. I hugged the wall as I walked, and Leia sat on my right shoulder. I slowly walked down the stairs and peeked in the room below. A few people were sitting at the tables, looking worried, but almost everyone was drinking and having a grand time. I pulled my black hood over my rainbow hair and fix my white tank top underneath my hoodie.

As soon as I came into view, everything stopped. People stopped drinking, stopped dancing, stopped moving. They all just stared at me. I looked at the bar counter and saw the old man from before look at me.

"So, girl, what is your name?" he asked me. I was surprised Leia didn't tell them earlier since she did eat with them. I slowly walked towards him.

"Kira." I said, quietly. "And this is Leia." I put my hand on Leia's head and she smiled at me. I stilled smelled the dragons in the building, but I was trying to block it out. Maybe I was crazy and I never really smelt dragons and it's all in my head.

"Do you have any room in your guild for us?" Leia asked, flying to the old man. I fidgeted, wanting to stop her from asking that, but I didn't.

"Hm..." the old man rubbed his chin and looked at the white haired woman from before, Mira. "Mira."

"Yes, Master?" Mira asked, walking to his side.

"Get the stamp book." he said. He waved his left hand and Mira left his side. She returned a few seconds later with a stamper. She walked over to me and smiled.

"Where would you like it?" she asked me, raising the stamper, ready to mark my body with their emblem. I pulled my tank top and pointed to the area just above my right hip. I wanted it here just in case I needed to go undercover, then it's easy to hide, and I can wear a crop top to show it off.

Leia pulled up her shirt to her stomach to Mira. Mira stamped her and her symbol came out black, which contrasted her light pink fur. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I wanted to lash out, not used to being touched, but I just turned around and looked at the person. It was a blonde girl, who looked like she had no modesty, and she was smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." the girl said, sticking out her hand. I looked at it and saw the pink emblem on the top of her hand. I hesitated, but I took her hand and shook it.

"Kira." I said, smiling. Since we are in the same guild, and she seemed like a nice person, I was going to be nice. Out the corner of my eye, I saw a guy walking towards us. I looked at him and saw he had blackish-blue hair and... he wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Hi, Kira, I'm Gray." he said, and I smiled, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Really? You look white." I said. He looked at me confused and I pointed at him abdomen. He looked down at himself and finally noticed he was naked. He yelled and took off running in the opposite direction. Lucy and I started laughing, but I stopped when I felt a glare on me. I looked to my right and seen a girl, with long blue hair and dressed in blue, shooting death glares at me. I wasn't sure what I had done to her, but I was guessing it had to do with Gray.

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