Chapter 12: Shade and Kira's Past Surface

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Chapter 12: Shade and Kira's Past Surface

Kira's POV

Lucy, Mai, Leia and I were just leaving the house now. Mai was coming with us because she also wanted to join the guild, and even if she couldn't, she wanted to stay with me, so I didn't have a problem bringing her. I couldn't wait to introduce her to Erza, Bisca and Alzack. I was hoping they would teach her a few things about her powers and she could learn to defend herself if need be.

Mai was between Lucy and I, holding both of our hands. She was happily skipping along until she just dead stopped. Lucy and I were pulled back by the little girl and we stopped and looked at her, confused. Mai looked up at me, looking like she was ready to cry.

"Kira?" she asked, quietly.

"What is it, Mai?" I asked her. I crouched down to her level and smiled at her, hoping that would cheer her up, but it didn't. "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to leave me alone like Mommy, Daddy and Stanley did?" she asked me, a tear rolling down her face. She looked down at her feet and I sighed. I grabbed her chin and pulled her face up to look at me.

"Hey," I said, stilling smiling. "I'm not going to leave you alone anytime soon. I'll always be here to help you along the way. I promise that." She started crying and wrapped her little arms around my neck. I hugged her close to me and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me and I carried her to the guild. Lucy smiled as she looked at us and I was happy.

Little did I know, I was going to break my promise to her very soon.

Shade's POV

"She's close by." I muttered to myself, excited. I could smell her. I could smell my divine being coming closer to me.

"What?" an old guy with brown hair asked. He was sitting at the table next to mine, smoking a cigar. It smells disgusting and when he blew his smoke towards me, I got infuriated. It interfered with Kira's scent.

I smiled at him, trying to be polite. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just talking to myself." I said, calmly, but inside was a storm. Ugh. She needs to hurry up and get here before I start to kill these idiots. The man started to talk to me about some nonsense, so I interrupted him. "Do you know Kira?"

He looked at me, confused for a moment, but he quickly realized who I was talking about. "Oh, her. Yeah, how could I forget. She's a tough little girl. Took down a few of our Dragon Slayers like they were a piece of cake." he said, smiling proudly.

"And she's got a good looking body." another old man said, coming over and joining the conversation. I clenched my fist and almost lost my cool, but Kira's scent made me hold onto my anger. She was too close and if I lost it now, she would realize I was here and run away. I can't have that. I remembered her smiling face and I instantly calmed down.

The two men kept talking about Kira, but I ignored them and concentrated on her scent. It was so close, I could almost feel her. She better hurry before I do something drastic.

Kira's POV

We were close to the guild now. We got to the sign and Mai finally stopped crying, but she still refuses to let me go. She went around my body and was now on my back. Leia flew ahead and opened the door for us. "Come on, Mai." I said, laughing. "Can I set you down now?"

"No!" she yelled, stubbornly. "I won't ever let you go." She stuck her nose up in the air and looked away from me. I laughed harder and entered the guild.

"Well, how are you going to join if I'm holding you?" I asked. She looked at me, stricken with the realization of it, but then sighed. She climbed off my back and stood in front of me, pouting. I opened my mouth to say something, but a certain voice caught my attention.

"Awe, what a touching moment." a male voice called out to me. It was a voice I knew extremely well. I stiffened, fear clutching my heart. "What? No 'hello' for an old friend?" I slowly turned around and looked at him. It was Shade. He was standing over by Master and Mira. He had his shirt off and I could see the Fairy Tail emblem on his chest.

My eyes widened when I realized this was real. Shade was really here, standing ten feet away from me. "W-What are y-you doing here?" I stuttered. My voice and my body was shaking badly. I felt Mai grab my arm and I was quickly sucked back to reality. Mai, Lucy and everyone else in the guild was watching us, confused and curious.

I grabbed Mai and shoved her into Lucy's arms. "Lucy, take Mai and go." I stressed to her, staring into her eyes. The urgency in my voice must have sparked something in her because she took off running over to Wendy.

"No!" Mai screamed. She struggled in Lucy's arms, but Lucy didn't let her go. I looked at Shade, trying to ignore Mai's screams and cries for me.

"Oh, now that was just cruel, Kira." he said, giving me a sickly and sinister smile. He pushed his body away from the bar and started walking towards me. My body shook with each step, and with his long legs, it didn't take him long to make it to me.

Before he reached me though, Natsu stepped in front of me, blocking him from reaching me. Shade tilted his head to the left and glanced over Natsu before laughing loudly. "Oh, now I see what's going on. You're her new boy toy, aren't you?" he said, coldly. "Well, I got news for you, she doesn't care about you in the least, so why don't you just move."

"No." Natsu growled at him. Shade's face darkened as he glared at Natsu. Natsu glared right back at him. I have to run. I know Shade will chase me and catch me, but I can't let my friends get hurt because of me.

A tear slid down my face. "I'm so sorry, Natsu." I said, quietly. He looked back at me, confused, but I just turned and bolted out of the guild.

"Wow. Maybe I was wrong about you. She does care for you." I heard Shade say. I got ten feet out the door when shadows grabbed my legs, securing me in my spot. I turned around to see Natsu, Wendy, Mai and Lucy running towards me, but I was quickly sinking.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, crying. "I can't let him hurt you! I'm so sorry!" The shadows were up to my chest now, but they were too far away. I threw out my right hand towards them, not wanting to leave my friends behind. "Please! Help me! Natsu!" And then, the darkness engulfed me and I was gone.

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