Chapter 14: The Void

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Chapter 14: The Void

Zia's/Ashe's/Celeste's POV

She left. Before Kira had ran out of the guild, she was able to push me, Celeste and Ashe out of her body and across the guild, blocking us from Shade's sight. In our head, we could hear her telling us to watch over Mai and her friends.

We are the Light, the Fire and the Celestial Dragon Slayers. We quickly realized that nobody else knew we was here. Everyone was too busy watching Kira and Shade to notice us. We were in the room where Kira had first woken up in when she arrived here. We don't know how she pushed us all the way back here, but she did.

We heard Natsu and Gray yelling about something, but none of us were paying any attention to what they were saying. We slowly walked down the stairs, our hood to the hoodie was pulled up and over our head.

When people finally noticed us walking down the stairs, everything went silent. Mai was the first to say anything. She ran to us, crying. "Kira!" She hit our body as soon as we made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm sorry." Zia said, slowly. None of us wanted to hurt this girl anymore than she is right now, but we knew it would hurt more if we tried to fake it. "I am not Kira. I am Zia. Ashe and Celeste are in here too."

"Why are you here?" Lucy asked, pulling Mai away from us and holding her. We sighed and sat down at one of the counters bar stools. Leia flew back in the guild and landed on our shoulder, knocking my hood off. Our golden, red and black ponytail fell out and swung around our back for a second.

"We are here because Kira pushed us out before she ran out of the guild." Zia said, answering Lucy's questions. "She pushed us to the back room, so Shade wouldn't notice and grab us before he left. Kira is most likely with Shade now." We wrapped our arms around ourself, remembering that place. "She's back in the void."

"What's the 'void'?" Natsu asked.

"And why did she force you out?" Mai asked. We chose to ignore Mai's question for right now, fearing it would upset her more if we told her our guess, so we answered Natsu's.

"The void is a place where only another Shadow Dragon Slayer or shadow magic users can open, but it's difficult for normal shadow users because it takes up a lot of shadow magic." Zia explained. "The place acts like a void, forever falling, but you aren't moving. No matter how strong your abilities or strength is, you can't move. Slowly, the void sucks up your powers until you have nothing left. It's a cold place. It's like being stuck in the coldest place on Earth and it's still colder than that."

"How do you know this?" Natsu asked.

"Because we can feel everything she feels. If she gets hurt, we feel her pain. If she's sad or lonely, we feel the same way. We are one of the same, we am a piece of her soul, only divide by a simple body." Celeste explained, taking the controls.

"Why did she force you out and hide you?" Mai asked again, quietly at first. We didn't answer her and we saw her fists ball in anger out the corner of our eye. "Why?!" We sighed and glanced at her, not wanting to see the sadness in her eyes.

"She didn't want to break the promise you just made." Zia said. "She wants us to take care of you in her place until she can find a way to escape again." We reached up to our shoulder and pet Leia head. We can feel her shaking, in both fear and anger. "And, where she is, she won't feel any happiness, so I was the best one to cast out. That is my guess."

"Or hope." Celeste added.

"Or anger." Ashe added. "Just coldness and depression."

Suddenly, we felt the hollowness leave us and pain erupted throughout our entire body. We gasped and doubled over, falling from the bar stool in fetal position. A large group of people surrounded us instantly, worried about us. We slammed our palm against the ground in anger.

"That... stupid... guy." Ashe hissed out, between gasps of pain. "I'm... going to... kill him."


Kira's POV

I'm floating. No. I'm falling. I'm falling into a deep, dark hole and I can't swim out of it. My body won't move. No. It can't move. I can't even open my eyes anymore. I hope Mai, Zia, Ashe and Celeste are okay. And I really did hope that. Zia may not be my strongest double, but she was the bravest and most protective of them all. I know she will protect my friends. Ashe was my strongest double. And Celeste had all of my faith and trust.

There was no light at the end of this tunnel, only pain and despair. I started gasping as I gripped my stomach. I was now able to force my eyes open and the only thing I could see was darkness. I felt a sharp kick hit my back and laughter broke the silence.

A few seconds later, a hand touched my cheek. It felt searing hot and I had to get it away from me. I have to run away. I can't stay here. I have to get back to Mai. I have to get back to my friends. My thoughts kept racing through my head as I pushed the burning hand away from my face.

"Awe, you're finally awake." a voice said and I froze. A light flicked on in the room and I looked around to see I was in the same room as before. My arms and legs were chained to the ground, the chains shorter and heavier than last time. I looked up to see Shade looking down at me, smiling.

"You could have stayed there and fought me." he said, still smiling like a mad man.

"You would have killed anyone and everyone who would have tried to help me." I spit out at him and he simply shrugged. He turned around and faced the other way.

"You don't know how long I searched for you, dreamt of being with you again." Shade said, excited. I shivered, not liking the thought of it.

"I'm not your girlfriend or your lover." I snarled at him. He swiftly turned around and kicked me in the stomach, hard. My back hit the wall and curled into fetal position. He bent down next to me and pushed the hair away from my face.

"I love you so much that it's practically tearing me up inside." he said. I laughed and pushed my body up on my left elbow.

"That's not love, Shade. That is what you call 'obsession'." I said, smiling at him. This made him snap. He punched me in the face and my head bounced off the cement. He stood up and kicked me in the stomach a few times. He stopped and I heard his heavy breathing slow as he pushed his hair away from his face.

"I'm sorry I had to do that." he said. He reached down and traced a finger down my face and I snapped at his finger with my teeth. He pulled back, frowning, but then he just left without another word. I waited a moment before I tried to sit up. I failed and the only thing I did was send another wave of pain all throughout my body.

I waited a moment before attempting it again. The pain worsened, but I ignored it and pushed my body up and leaned it against the back wall. I wrapped my arms around my legs and I cried. I wanted to stop the tears, but they flowed out of my eyes like a river. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't stop HIM.

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