Chapter 17: Rescue

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Chapter 17: Rescue

Kira's POV

I felt my heart being pulled, so I was guessing that my doubles finally figured out what 'willow tree' meant. I could feel they were coming for me, but I wasn't sure if it was just them or more.

"You know, I've been thinking about something for a while." Shade said, looking at me. He leaned towards me and touched my right cheek with his hand. I wanted to push it away and tell him to never touch me again, but I couldn't. "You have been off for a while now."

"Off?" I asked, confused. "How do you mean?"

"I mean, my Kira would never submit to me willingly." Shade said. He paused for a minute before smiling. "Not unless she's planning something." I laughed and shook my head, but fear gripped my heart in it's iron fist.

"I would never do something like that, Shade." I said, lying. Clover was chastising my for doing it, but Ebony just helped me spill the lies out of my lips. "I was alone for so long. I didn't want to be alone anymore. You were the only person who chased me even when I ran away from you."

I reached up and pushed some hair out of his face. I leaned up and kissed his lips gently, hoping this will pacify his suspicions. I quickly pushed myself into their minds. Hurry up. He has me in his special room.

I pulled myself back before they could answer, conserving my power as much as possible. I need to save it for when my doubles got close. I'm pretty sure Natsu and Happy are with them, so I would have to cover them too. I wasn't too sure if Mai was with them, but knowing Mai for the short amount of time I had, I knew she wasn't one to leave her friends behind.

Zia's/Ashe's/Celeste's POV

We heard Kira's voice in our heads. We came to a complete stop and focused on her. If she can push her way into our brain, we will too. We sat on the ground and concentrated. Natsu and Mai landed next to us, confused, but we blocked them out.

Kira. Please answer us. Zia begged.

I'm here. she answered. I laughed and started to cry. What's happening out there? How many of you are there?

It's just Natsu, Mai, Leia, Happy and us. Ashe said.

Good, okay. Kira said. You need to hurry. So far I was able to seduce Shade into taking me out of the void, but he's suspicious of me. Hell, we are even handcuffed together. I don't know if I have enough magic in me to keep you guys cloaked for long, so you have to move fast.

We can feel you in our heart. Celeste said. I know where to go, just like that night. You were right.

The world may keep spinning, but my world would stop without you. I know what you mean.

We promise that we will save you. Zia said, boldly.

I know. Kira said and we pulled back. We jumped up and started running again. Natsu and Mai were confused, but chased after us anyways.

"Shade has her with him. He's handcuffed himself to her, so watch what you do, Natsu. Even though she's a Dragon Slayer and the love of his life, he will use her as a shield in he needs to." Ashe explained, glaring at Natsu.

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