Chapter 7: First Day in Fairy Tail

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Chapter 7: First Day in Fairy Tail

I woke up the next morning to something warm encasing my body. I quickly pulled back the covers and look down at myself. I seen Natsu had his body wrapped around mine, his head resting on my abdomen, and Happy was wrapped around my right leg. It was actually really cute to look at.

I started to poke Natsu's face, and after the tenth time, he jumped out of bed, ready to fight. Happy heard him and got up slowly. I laughed. "Um, why are you in my room? Lucy's room is that way." I said, smiling. I pointed to the wall, towards Lucy's room. I sat up and Leia woke up, and started to stretch.

Natsu started to rub the back of his neck. "Sorry, I thought this was her room." he said. I shrugged, not caring about that.

"It doesn't matter." I said. "I don't care if you sleep with me or not." I stepped out of bed and walked over to my bag. I pulled out a pair of black shorts and pulled them on. I didn't care about changing my shirt since I pulled it on in the middle of the night.

I looked at the boys and saw they were away from me, whispering. "She's a lot nicer than Lucy." Happy said, in a hushed tone, but it was still pretty loud.

"Yeah, I agree. Lucy would have yelled at us and kicked us out." Natsu said. I sat down on my bed and pulled on my boots.

"We can still hear you." Lucy snapped, standing in my doorway. I looked at her and smiled. "Morning, Kira. I made breakfast."

Natsu smiled and yelled, "Yay, food!"

He started to walk around Lucy, but she punched him in the face, yelling, "None for you, bed stealers!" She turned around and left, and I followed her, laughing. Natsu and Happy came and sat at the table and I push them some of my French toast. They happily took it from me. Lucy started to complain about my sharing, but gave up and let us do what we wanted.


We walked into the guild and I see everyone drinking and laughing. Do they do this everyday? Maybe. I shrugged it off and smiled at all the happiness in here. We go and sit at a table and I watch Lily fly over to me. I laughed and started to pet him again. Not even a few seconds later, Gajeel comes over and slams his fists on the table.

"Stop doing that to Lily! Lily, you have to resist it!" he yelled. Lily didn't even look like he was paying any attention to him at all.

"Does it really feel that good?" Happy asked, looking at Lily. I smiled at him and handed Gajeel his cat. Lily tried to get back in my arms, but I had already grabbed Happy. I started petting Happy and I found his good spots quickly and I heard him purr. "Oh, it really does."

"That's it! I challenge you to a fight!" Gajeel yelled, pointing his finger at me. His index finger was maybe an inch from my nose, so I used shadows to grab him and fling him into the opposite wall, still petting Happy.

"That was easy." I said, shrugging. Gajeel got up and came charging at me again. I stood up on top of my chain and waited till he got close to me. Once he was close enough, I jumped on his back and flung myself across the guild, and pushed him into the floor at the same time.

When I landed on the ground, I cradled Happy in my left arm and used my right one to cast an air barrier around us. Gajeel started hitting my barrier with his iron fists, but he couldn't break through. When he finally noticed something was off, he turned around in time for me to punch him in the face. Inside the barrier was a Happy, and mix version of Ocean and Aire. While Aire held the barrier, Ocean made a mist that made them look exactly like me.

"That's not fair!" he yelled up at me as I smirked at him.

"All's fair in love and war." I said. Gajeel got up and got ready to jump at me, but Ashe kicked him from behind, sending him flying forward. I evaded him and laughed. "You challenged 'me' to fight, but my doubles are all 'me' too. I couldn't be 'me' without them."

Aire and Ocean separated and Gajeel swung his left fist and hit Ocean. Well, not exactly hit her, but it went through her. She hit him with a water slicer and it sent him flying. I brought almost all of my doubles into my body and walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and helped him up.

"You did a good job fighting me, but you aren't going to win against me anytime soon." I said, smiling at him.

"HEY!" Natsu yelled, mad. "You said I could fight you!" I was still facing Gajeel with Celeste hit Natsu in the back of the head, hard enough to knock him out. He fell to the ground, asleep, and I smiled at her.

"Thanks." I said. She touched my hand and entered my body.

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