Chapter 9: Fight in the Valley

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Chapter 9: Fighting in the Valley

"Yay! We finally made it!" Natsu yelled happily as he danced on the trains platform. He was breathing a little bit of fire as he danced and I didn't want to break his heart, but I had too.

"Uh, Natsu, we still have to walk some miles to get to the valley. We are about a few hours away from Star Valley." I said and he drooped. Leia popped her head out of my bag.

"Are we there yet?" she whined. Leia hated long trips, and always complained. She said they made her sleepily and she always got bored, so she would annoy me to alleviate the boredom.

"Nope, not yet." I said. "We'll be there in a few hours. Buuuuut, we could get there faster if we flew." I smiled down at her, hinting to her about flying us there so we didn't have to walk.

"Fine." she huffed.

"I'm okay with that." Happy agreed. Lily and Carla also agreed to fly us there.


We made it to the outer part of Star Valley in almost an hour. I now realized when they named it 'Star Valley'. The sky was so beautiful. The stars sparkled up in the sky so brilliantly, and the sun hadn't even set that long ago. I could stand here and look at it all night. But, we had a job to do.

We walked into town and Leia laid on my head, tired from flying that much. I glanced back to see the other cats laying on the rest of them, tired too. I looked around and noticed something weird. Normally, there would be a lot of people outside, but there wasn't a single soul outside. I could smell people all around us, but right now, the valley looked barren.

"Hello?!" Natsu yelled out. "Anyone home?!" I started to walk down the street further and I felt Wendy grab the hem of my blue, cropped tank top.

"I have a bad feeling about this place." Leia said, and Carla looked at her.

"I got that same feeling. I know something bad is going to happen." Carla said, her body tense and on alert. If both cats were saying this, I instantly went on alert, not wanting to risk anything.

I heard a noise coming from the alleyway next to us and we all jumped and looked towards it. A little girl with long black hair and bright red eyes was walking towards us. She wore a long white dress, but it was all ripped and dirty. She also didn't wear any shoes, so her feet were cakes in dry dirt and what looked to be blood.

"You need to leave before it notices your presents." she said, quietly. She looked around, clearly scared of whatever was here.

"We're not leaving. We came here to beat up that monster everyone's so afraid of." Natsu said, punching his right fist into his left palm. He walked over and stood next to me. Gajeel also stood next to me, but Wendy stayed slightly behind me.

There was a weird odor floating around in the air, and I didn't like it. I dropped to the ground and crossed my legs. "Kira?" Natsu asked, sounding confused, but I blocked him out. I felt the wind pick up around me and I sent that wind out in all different directions, looking for that person I smelled.

I could tell he was close by, but I wanted to know how close and where I could find him. It took a minute, but I got up. He was standing on the rooftop behind the little girl, and from what I could tell, he was getting ready to pounce. I quickly snapped out of my trance and tackled the little girl, the beast just missing us by a second.

I quickly jumped away from him and screamed, "RUN!" to the others. I took off running down the alleyway, away from the others, and I noticed the beast was following me and not going for the others. Good thing it's dark out.

I pulled the shadows around me and ripped us into the ground. I slipped past the beast, without him realizing what happened, and I found the other Dragon Slayers were chasing us! I pushed my shadows out and slipped them into it before they noticed. I quickly pulled us to the other side of the town before I released them.

"What the heck was that?" Gajeel asked. "One minute I was running and the next I was swallow by darkness."

"Oh, that was me, sorry." I said. The little girl was clinging to me, crying. I could feel her little body shaking and I just hugged her and rubbed her back. "I used my Shadow Dragon Slayer magic to cloak myself and this girl in shadows, then I pulled you guys into it's vortex. I guess it's a lucky thing we arrived at night."

"That's when it comes out." the girl said. She pulled away from me and explained everything. "We call it the 'Night Walker'. It attacks anyone who it outside, and sometimes it breaks into a house and drains the people of their life force or magically ability. It's been happening for a couple months now and all the wizards who have come here, have gotten eaten soon after."

"Is that why you told us to leave?" Wendy asked her and the girl nodded and started to cry again.

"It ate my mom and dad." she cried. "My brother tried to fight it, but it got him too. The others don't even try to fight it anymore. If someone goes missing, they just accept it. No one gets mad, all they do is look sad and cry about it. Anyone who goes against it is called 'stupid' and you can't even talk to the others about getting rid of it or else they shun you." I watched her tiny hands clenched into fists.

"Is that what they did to you?" I asked, quietly. I could smell the Night Walker near us, but thankfully, he hadn't gotten on top of us yet. I straighten up and grabbed the little girl before throwing her over my shoulder. "We need to move. Now."

We all booked it towards a hotel and I slammed the doors open. We ran inside and I set her on the ground. Wendy shut the doors behind us and I heard Natsu huff. I looked at him and saw he was glaring at me.

"We're Fairy Tail, we don't run from the problem." Natsu snapped. I glared at him and stepped towards him.

"Let's get this straight." I snapped at him, poking my finger into his chest. "One, this is my mission, you have no right to complain on how I do this. Two, I'm not running away from it, I'm trying to save this little girl's life. Three, you don't need to be here. I don't need your help or you guidance, Natsu, so why don't you stay put." I smiled at him, viciously, before I froze him in ice. I pushed Aire out and she sealed him in a barrier, knowing that Natsu will melt the ice as soon as he can.

"What'd you do that for?" Wendy asked. I sighed and looked at her.

"Because, he would come after me and try to help if I didn't do this." I said. "You guys promised Master that you would stay out of it and Natsu would be more than willing to break that promise and destroy half the town. I'm trying to save the hassle."

"Yeah, but..." she started and I put my hand on her head.

"I'll be alright, promise." I said, smiling. I set Leia in her arms and walked to the doors. I looked back and stared right into Gajeel's eyes. "Don't leave this building and protect them as much as possible." Gajeel nodded to me and I left, ready to face the beast lurking in the darkness.

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