Edited: 10

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But I can't be.

There's no way in Hades I can be in love with Travis. He's annoying and impulsive, and...and hot.

And funny. And sweet, charismatic, caring...

For the rest of the party I stay pretty much silent.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it?" Travis teases as we walk back to our cabins.

There are still abunch of others at the party, but once we both got out in truth or dare we got bored and decided to call it a night. He refused to kiss Connor and I chose not to kiss a frog, where Percy got it from I don't even know.

"Uh, no, actually it wasn't that bad." I admit. "Just don't expect me to want to go to every single one that passes by."

"Ok I won't. We'll just have another bet of some sort."

"And I'll win again, Stoll." I tease.

"Is that a challenge, my dear?" He turns and walks backwards to face me with his eyebrows raised.

"As always, love." I give him a smile and he chuckles.

We look at each other and those blue eyes captivate me once again. The memory of his lips on mine surfaces to mind and I long for that moment again. To feel his warm lips on mine, to be close to him, and to have his arms around me again, is something that replays over and over again in my mind.

But there's no way I'm in love with him.

We walk in silence until we reach my cabin and we both stop walking and we just stand there, two feet away from each other. Too far from each other. I smile at him and he smiles back as he takes a step towards me. I put one hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder as he put one of his on my waist as the other cups my face.

He looks like he wants to say something, but isn't quite sure if he should. He opens his mouth, then decides against it and closes it. Instead he leans his forehead onto mine and closes his eyes. I close mine too.

"If you where a flower in a garden, out of all the rest, I'd pick you" he says a laugh in his voice.

I burst out laughing and push him playfully away from me. "That is the worst—but somehow funniest—pick up line to have ever told a daughter of Demeter."

He laughs too and pulls me close again. "Just had to end the night off with a bang, Katie-Kat."

"Well then," I say playing with a curl of his hair, "mission accomplished."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning in the strawberry fields at eight, okay? Don't forget, love.." He says.

I nod and grab the color of his shirt so he's closer to me. I smirk at his reaction of being off guard and kiss his cheek.

"Till tomorrow." I say as I untangle our arms from each other. Our routine is starting to settle in, meeting up every morning.

I walk up the steps and open the door quietly to not wake anyone of the so happen to be asleep. I slip halfway through the doorway and wave goodnight to Travis one last time. He waves back and I shake my head at the thought of his joke.

"Hey, Trav?" I call out.

He turns around "Yeah?"

"Are you a thief? Because every time I look at you, you seem to have stolen my breath." I blush.

He smiles and let's out a small laugh. "Not too bad, Katie, not too bad at all."

edited :3

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