Chapter 30

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Blue's pov

"That couldn't have been any more of a disaster," I state, tossing the balled up dress into the general direction of my suitcase.

"Oh come on, Blue," Calum protests, sitting on the edge of my hotel bed, "it wasn't that bad." I give him a look.

"Did you see that look that Liz had? That was a disapproving mother look. A look that she doesn't get to give me," I elaborate. Calum just smiles at me.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Calum stands up and wraps his arms around my body, holding me against him.

"You're cute when you're mad. And no matter how amazing you looked in that dress earlier, I'm going to have to say that I prefer seeing you in your comfy clothes instead," he tells me. I smile, rising up on my tippy toes so that our faces were closer together.

"Thank you," I whisper. Calum just presses his lips up against mine, kissing me. I kiss back, my stomach filling with butterflies. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands find my waist.

"I'm crazy about you, Blue Hemmings," Calum mumbles, breaking our connection for an air break.

"I'm crazy about you too, Hood," I reply, panting slightly, "now kiss me again." Cal grins and reattaches his lips to mine.

"Blue have you seen Cal- oh my God!" Ashton yells. I break away from Calum and turn to face the drummer, not sure whether to be annoyed or worried.

"What do you need, Ash?" Calum questions, still holding onto my waist.

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with us tonight, but I can tell you're busy. You do realize that if Luke finds out, he will kill both of you," Ash warns, his tone serious.

"He'll learn to live with it. I'm a big girl, I can take care of and make decisions for myself," I reply, not really concerned about what my brother would say. Ashton doesn't look convinced.

"How long have you two been, uh, kissing?" Ash asks, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Right after we went to Australia and Liz first called me Dylan. I ran to Calum's house and he kissed me," I answer honestly. All three of us are quiet.

"Are you going to tell Luke about us?" Calum questions, his voice cracking. He seemed nervous. I was too. I didn't want the two of them to get into a fight or something over this.

"I don't know. I mean, Calum, Blue is one of our band mate's sister. Isn't that against the bro code?" Ash asks timidly. He seemed afraid of upsetting one party or the other.

"Ashton, it's up to you. Neither one of us will be mad if you tell Luke," I assure him. Ash looks torn.  Then he sighs in defeat.

"I won't tell Luke, but I'm not covering for you two either," he states. Calum and I grin.

"Thanks Ash," Calum says. Ashton waves it off and exits my hotel room.

"Where were we?" He asks, turning to face me again. I just start kissing him again.

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