Chapter 64

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Blue's pov (8 months later)

"Look at how blue his eyes are," Nia says, smiling at the baby in her arms.

I nod, "He definitely has the eyes of a Hemmings, but chubby cheeks like Calum's."

"Speaking of Calum, where is he?" Rena questions, taking her eyes off of my newborn son.

"He, Ash, Michael, and Luke were a couple hours away doing some promotion for the new album. They should be here any minute though," I inform them. The three girls and two boys nod. I had been staying with Hey Violet all week while the boys were doing promo. I decided to not travel while eight and a half months pregnant. The baby wasn't due for another three weeks. That's why Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Mikey weren't here.

"Ms. Hemmings, the boys are here. Would you like me to send them in or do you want to rest?" Dr. Gloria asks me, poking her head into my hospital room.

"Send them in," I reply, knowing that even if I tried to keep them out, it wouldn't work. She smiles at me and opens the door wider. Calum was the first one in. He immediately rushed over to my side.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here, Blue," he exclaims, his eyes filled with worry. He was probably scared that I was mad at him for not being here. I wasn't.

"It's fine. Calum, meet your son," I say softly, taking the baby back from Nia. His eyes widen as I pass him the blue bundle. Luke and Michael snicker at his reaction. Ashton was grinning widely.

"I think Calum's scared of the baby,"  Casey jokes. Calum doesn't even try to deny it. He just stares at our son's face.

"What are you two naming him?" Luke demands, turning to face me.

"Have you even picked out a name yet? He wasn't due for another three weeks," Michael points out.

"We had the name picked out since before Calum even knew I was pregnant," I answer, glancing over at my boyfriend. He takes his eyes off the baby and meets mine then breaks out into a grin.

"Barry," we say in unison.

"Should've known that it would have something to do with the Flash. You are obsessed with that show afterall," Ashton laughs.

"Calum agreed to it no problem," I defend.

"Probably to make you happy. We all know how you get when you're mad," Luke teases.

"Hey! No picking on me. I just gave birth," I remind them. Luke laughs. Then his face gets serious.

"Did you call mum by any chance?" He demands. I shake my head no. The thought had honestly slipped my mind. You'd be surprised at how much you forget after going through labor.

"Shit," Luke swears, earning a slap from me, Ashton, and Calum.

"No swearing," Ash and I say in sync.

"I'm telling you, if she wasn't a Hemmings, there's no way in hell that she wouldn't be an Irwin," Miranda says to Nia. I roll my eyes at the comment.

"Mum wanted me to call her as soon as he was born. Do you think we can get his time of birth changed?" Luke asks me. I laugh and shake my head no.

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