She Likes You

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This one shot was requested by @lexi_2003_12 who wanted to see what I could do with Treddy. Sorry this took me forever to publish! I hope you enjoy it!

Freddy's POV
eighth grade

I walked into class, a tad bit late. Tomika waved at me... This wasn't normal. I shrugged it off and went to me seat. Mr. Finn lectured on for about twenty minutes before requesting that we rock.

We were performing "Somebody to You" and during the whole song, Tomika kept walking over by me and looking at me. Was she trying to direct this song to me?

**Three days later***

It's been four days Tomika had been acting odd. I don't know what's up with her. She always sits next to me at the lunch table or always asks me to agree with her and always comments on how my drum playing was "flawless" or "perfection". One time, she came up after school.

"Hi Freddy." She said.

"Oh hey Tomika."

"Can I tell you... Something..."


"I- I-" she stuttered before spatting out, "Really like your hair today."


"Gotta go, bye!"

And she instantly ran off. Summer came up behind me moments later.

"Hey Freddy."


"What wrong?"

"You should ask Tomika that."

"Ok, look, I probably shouldn't be reeling you this, but, she likes you. Like a lot. She has a big crush on you."

She likes me?!

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