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This one shot is Seddy requested by @bruhitzkk and they requested it be romantic, but not a date. I hope this is what you were looking for!

Freddy's POV
seven years after seventh grade

Summer squeezed my hand tightly.

"We're almost there!" She squealed as the plane started preparing for landing.

I was a little nervous because it was my first time on a plane.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine babe." She nodded disbelievingly. "We're not going to die while landing, are we?" I asked nervously.

"No, no of course not!" She laughed. I let out a small yelp as the planes tilted a little to descend. Summer laughed again.

"Just relax, and you'll be fine." She said. I nodded and leaned back and closed my eyes. Maybe the rest of the flight wouldn't be so bad.


"Wake up sleepyhead." Summer said, gently shaking me awake.

I yawned. "Where are we?"

"The plane."

"Did we land ok?" I asked, shooting up straight.

"Yeah, actually we're one of the only ones left. Let's grab our bags."

I nodded and picked up my backpack from down near my feet and pulled Summer's carry-on out from up above the overhead compartment. She thanked me and took the bag from my hands. We walked off the plane and over to baggage claim. After grabbing our bags, we went through customs and immigration, because we were traveling to another country. We have them all of their information and and made it through easily. We were finally able to get to our hotel.

We walked in the door and summer dropped her bag on her side of the king sized bed. She sighed and fell back onto the bed.

"I can't believe we're in Paris!" She said. I pulled her up and wrapped my hands around her small waist. We made out for a few minutes and she pulled away.

"So what do you want to do first?" She asked eagerly.

"Do you just want to take a walk?" I asked.

"Yes!" She squealed. "Let me get changed!"

"But you look great!"

"Yeah, sweatpants and a t-shirt are sure Paris attire."

"Are you implying that I should change too?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes and she opened her suitcase and grabbed a dress. She winked at me and went into the bathroom to change. I took advantage of my time and changed into black jeans and a nice shirt. Summer came out of the bathroom seconds later wearing a red dress with a neck line that really suited her, if you know what I mean. She let her hair down from the bun that used to exist stop her head. She looked perfect.

"Stop staring!" She said. And out on tan flat shoes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I had the most beautiful girlfriend in the world."

She smacked my arm lightly. "Stop being a cheeseball."

I laughed. "Cheeseball?"

She laughed and grabbed her purse. "Let's just go."

The Paris streets were beautiful. They were all lit up and Summer held my hand through our whole walk together. We stopped when we had a nice view. She kissed me sweetly and when pulled apart she put her hand on my cheek.

"I can't believe I'm in the city of love with the love of my life."

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