What she's been Waiting for

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This is a Seddy one shot requested by @no_me-no_awesome with no specific storyline in mind. So I made up my own. I hope you like it!

Third Person POV
eighth grade

Summer walked into the skate park, a place so unfamiliar to you. She was holding Tomika's skateboard, hopefully correctly. She scanned the area till she found who she had been looking for. She sighed at his good looks as he smirked what seemed to be at her. But she k ew that he wasn't looking at her. She ran over the instructions Tomika had given her in her brain.

Yes, Sunmer's master plan to win Freddy over was to woo him with great skateboard tricks-- only for her to realize that she knew nothing about skateboarding. So, she asked her best friend, Tomika, for help. Tomika tried the best she could, but she just couldn't make Summer good at skateboarding. She wished her good luck and sent Summer off to the skate park- maybe Freddy would pity her for being so bad. Or maybe Summer would be smart enough and ask Freddy for tips.

Summer took a deep breath and took the two steps onto the wood and concrete on which she was to skate on. She held her breath as she sit on the skateboard and soared down the ramp.

It did not go as planned. She fell on her arm, Tomika's skateboard gliding halfway across the park. Summer rubbed her helmet as if forgetting that she was wearing it. She looked up to see the one person she hoped hadn't seen her fall.

"Hi Freddy." Summer stuttered nervously.

"Need a hand?" He asked.

Summer sheepishly nodded her head. Freddy stuck out his hand and Summer grabbed. I pulled her up easily.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Thunder clapped.

Summer sighed "Trying to get your attention."

Freddy looked at her as the light drizzle of rain came down.

"Here, I'll walk you home." Summer have a weak smiled and walked with Freddy back to her house. She didn't understand why he just skipped over the fact that she kinda confessed her feelings for him. Be she decided against asking why. Maybe he didn't hear... That would be good for her.

The rain got harder as they turned down Summer's street. She rubbed her arms to keep warmth as the temperature dropped. Freddy draped his jacket around Summer's arms. Summer gladly accepted the gesture and flashed him a sweet smile. They arrived at her driveway. There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Well I'll see you at school Monday." Summer said quietly, and turning to go in the door.

Freddy grabbed Summer's arm. "Summer wait."

She turned around and he couldn't help himself. She just looked so beautiful in the rain. He pulled her close and kissed, she of course, kissed back. This is what she'd been waiting for. This is what they had both been waiting for. 

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