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Emma's POV

I woke up to a strange noise. The ship was creaking because of the wind. When I opened my eyes I practically jumped up from the bed. Killian was nowhere. He was really cute yesterday but I could see the pain in his eyes. He reassured me that he is going to be fine but I was worried about him. I looked out the window and we were still in the ocean anchored down, so Killian must be here somewhere. Last night he gave me some clothes and I gladly accepted them, so I just fixed my hair before I went above deck. I didn't even know what time it was but the sun was already shining. When I walked up to the bridge I saw him leaning over the rails. He only wore sweatpants. He was so peaceful but I could tell something was still bothering him. I walked towards his direction and wanted to surprise him but the boat creaked and he looked behind, right at me.

"Hello love. Did you sleep well last night? Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty." I blushed at his comment, and meanwhile I approached him and held both of his hands. "I did.. Umm.. Sleep well last night. Are you sure everything's okay? " I asked, a concerned look on my face. "Aye it will be. Now come here and hug me if you will." He smirked and then I hugged him. We stood there and watched the ocean. When we pulled away I could clearly saw his toned body and I looked down blushing. "Emma, look at me." He placed two of his fingers to my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I giggled and answered. "Of course, you don't have to ask this ever again." We kissed, but is was just a small, love-filled kiss.

"Swan, what are we now?" He looked me in the eyes after we pulled away. That's a good question. I want to be his wif... Umm I mean girlfriend. Does he want the same too? If he was just seeing me as another trophy he wouldn't have asked me out on dinner. Or would he? I was the one who said 'I love you' first maybe he doesn't even love me and he just wanted to say it back so that I'm not a loser who falls in love so easily. "Swan, you okay?" I heard his thick accent pull me back from my thoughts. "Yes I am okay. I think that if you want too I'd like to be your girlfriend." His face lit up like always when he heard great news, and he immediately picked me up and we spun around, laughing and kissing. He put me down and placed thousands of soft kisses on my cheeks, not missing a single spot.

"I love you, Emma Swan. I. LOVE. EMMA. SWAN. Do you hear that, world? I love her with all my heart!" I giggled. He is such a dork. I kissed him passionately and again, he was the one who pulled away first. "Now Swan, as much as I enjoy your soft lips I am really hungry. Should we get breakfast or something?" He asked with a smirk. "Yeah, we should. But for that we have to get back to the docks haven't we? Unless there is a drive-through restaurant in the middle of the ocean..." He laughed at my comment. "Aye we will head back to Storybrooke. Follow me." He pulled up the anchor and we set sail. He went to the paddle-wheel and held out his hand for me. "I don't know how to steer a ship Killian, this is crazy." I said while shaking my head. "Just trust me, this is actually pretty easy. Come here love." I stood in front of him and he hugged me from the back. He held both my hands as we steered the ship together.

Killian's POV

I held Emma in my arms like she was my anchor who kept my sanity. Her hair smelled like coconut and the salty air gave it a nice kick. I pulled her hair away, making her neck free and I started placing feather kisses on her skin. She leaned her head away  giving me more space, then she turned around and glued our lips together. Our lips were so in sync and every time I felt sparks on my skin. She pulled away first this time. "I'm gonna change since Storybrooke is now clearly closer." She smiled at me as she disappeared into the captain's quarters.

We were almost at the docks when my phone buzzed. It was Liam.

Hello brother! We arrived at our permanent spot, so far everything's great. I've got a roommate called August Booth. He is a really cool guy I think I'm gonna enjoy his company. I hope your date with Emma went well. I'll write to you as many times as I can. Take care


smiled when I read his message, but the tears threatened to fall again so I wiped my eyes as I answered.

Hello brother! My date went really well, thank you for your interest. I'm really looking forward hearing from you.
Take care

As I wiped my eyes and put away my phone Emma came back up. "Who was that?" She asked, curiosity in her voice. "No one, love. Don't worry." I smiled at her but she didn't buy it. "Killian what aren't you telling me? Your eyes are full of tears what happened yesterday? Please, you can tell me anything." She said, touching my shoulders. "I know I can but right now I don't want to talk about it, I am sorry. I just want to focus on who is standing right in front of me." I said. "Okay, I trust you Killian. Whatever it is, you can tell me on your own time. I just don't like it when you're sad." I gave her a peck on her lips then docked the Jolly Roger.

Emma's POV

Killian docked the ship, got dressed and we headed into Granny's to have breakfast. We both ate grilled cheese with onion rings and I drank hot cocoa with cinnamon, while Killian went with coke. We laughed and had fun, then he took me home.

"Do you want to come in and have coffee with my parents? I'm sure they'd like to meet you." I asked him. He smirked at me. "I'd love to meet them." I held his hand as we walked in, and both my parents stood in the kitchen, frozen.

"Mom, Dad, this is Killian. Killian, Mom, Dad." I ponted in their direction as I said their names. "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Nolan I am really glad I met both of you. The name's Killian Jones." He shook my father's hand, and gave a kiss on my mother's knuckles. "Hi Killian. I heard a lot about you. Please call me Mary-Margaret." My mom said. Killian smiled at her. "Hello Killian. I hope you take good care of Emma, if I hear you hurt her you'll be in big trouble." My father told him. I laughed at his comment. "I can assure you your daughter couldn't be in better hands. I don't intend to let her down anytime soon." He answered, placing one of his hands on my hips. "Good answer lad, I like you already. Please call me David." They nodded at each other. After a couple of hours talking about everything we headed to my room. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes into more comfortable ones. In the afternoon Killian went home. He said he had to take care of some things, and he would call or text me the next morning. I missed him already and aftr dinner I fell asleep thinking of what would it be if we were living together.

Killian's POV

After we chit-chatted wit Emma's parents we went up to her room. She took a shower and changed her clothes, then we spent some more time together, until I headed home. I really like her parents and I am glad they approve of me. I skipped many trouble with this.

When I got home the house was empty, but I had stuff to do. I know this is crazy but I already missed Emma and I knew I never ever wanted to spend a night without her. I reorganized my room so if her dad lets me and she wants it too I will ask her to move in and she'll get plenty of space for herself. Around midnight sleep took over and I fell asleep thinking about last night with my Swan.

|Okay so who wants them to live together? I mean it's inevitable but I mean sooner or later?|

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