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Emma's POV

Time flew by real fast and it was almost our graduation day. The Jolly Roger was a great success but it was open only at weekends because of school. Our life with Killian couldn't be more perfect. Well, almost.

Neal started to send me messages saying that he will come after me and my loved ones. I didn't want to pay attention but then one day he came to school and when I went out to the bathroom during class he was there. "Hello baby. Did you miss me?" He asked. I was really scared but I didn't want him to notice. "What are you doing here Neal?" I asked him with disgust.

"Oh I was just making sure that you got my messages. Look at you, happy and pretty." He walked towards me and I stepped back until my back hit the wall. "It's so bad we could never be together again. It was good to fuck you, I just kept you for that. But I figured in prison I could get that from anyone so I don't need you anymore. But because you put me in prison in the first place I will ruin your whole life." He gave me a smile that was really gross and walked out. I don't know why but I followed him and shouted after him. "I can protect myself you know! You'll end in prison again soon enough!" I shouted but he left, all I heard was his laugh. I turned around and tears filled my eyes. I leaned my back into one of the lockers and sat to the floor. I heard heavy footsteps approaching me but at then I was crying too hard to look up.

"Love what's wrong? I heard shouting what happened?" It was Killian.

Killian's POV

After I asked her several questions for whose I didn't get any kind of answer I just picked her up and carried her out to my car. "Wait here love I'll get our bags and we'll go home, okay?" I asked and she just nodded rapidly. I ran back to get our bags and thank god it was already break so I didn't have to make up anything.

I ran out and Emma was still in the same position, her knees pulled up to her chest. I tied her up with the safety belt and I drove home. She wanted to walk but I picked her up once again and carried her. "Couch or bed?" I asked. "Couch. Please." I carried her to the living room and put her on the couch. I headed to the kitchen but then she interrupted me. "Killian come back to me please. I don't want to be alone." She said and when I turned around she was looking at me. Her eyes red and puffy from the crying. I've never seen her like this, she was truly broken. "A minute love I promise, I'll bring us something to drink and eat." She just nodded and I rushed into the kitchen to get something for us.

I ran back to her and she was watching the tv now. At least she was looking into the screen but I could tell that her thoughts were somewhere else. I put the tray on the table and sat next to her, pulling her into my lap. "Love what happened? I hate seeing you like this. Please tell me." I begged her. She hugged me really tight but I hugged her back.

"He's back Killian. He's going to hurt me again. It's starting all over." She said. I had so many questions. Who is back? Why would he hurt her? What will start over again? I decided not to quiz her. "Love, I won't let anyone to hurt you. I'll protect you don't worry. I promise." She tightened her grip on me and I felt tears water my shirt but I didn't care less. I started to caress her back and we stayed like this for a very long time until she pulled away. Her eyes were still red but the crying stopped a while ago.

"Killian I wanted to tell you this a very long time ago but I was scared. Please don't be mad at me. Neal is back." Neal. David told me about him. He was the bastard who broke Emma's heart and then he even kidnapped her until the police found him and he went to prison. Now I understood everything. "He started to send me messages but I didn't think he would actually find me. Today when I left the classroom he was there. I am so sorry Killian you probably hate me now." She said tears filling her eyes once more.

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