Safe spot

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Emma's POV

"Who the bloody hell...?" I heard Killian. We looked at each other in confusion and with anger.

"Neal. You know this too." I answered and tried to remain calm but I failed. "But why the fuck would he do this? Did he take something?" Killian asked.

"Guess we'll have to find out. So much about sleeping tonight." I said and tried to calm him by holding his hand in mine.

After spending several hours with cleaning none of my stuff was missing, so as neither of Killian's. "I swear if I see this scumbag he'll wish for his own death." Killian said. He was still mad and I could totally understand but it was useless. "Hey, relax. Come have a shower with me." I said and I pulled him up.

After we came out of the bathroom we just sat on the couch watching tv. I couldn't sleep and Killian stayed up with me.

"Swan you know that we have to tell this to your parents now." He said and stopped the movie. I looked at him and sighed. "I know. And we will, in the morning. Okay?" I asked and pecked his lips. "Okay." He smiled at me. Finally that smile. We continued to watch the movie when the noise of shattering glass broke the silence.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Killian hopped up from the couch. I stood up and turned on the lights. Footsteps were heard from the direction of the backyard. "Swan come with me. I don't want to leave you here alone." He handed me his hand and I held it like my life depended on it. We looked around but apart from a brick inside the house and a broken window we found nothing. Killian put a piece of paper to where the window was before and we sat back down. He continued the movie but I could tell he was thinking about something.

Killian's POV

I know that he's playing with us but two can play this game. I will be ahead of him with at least one step. I won't let him fuck up our life. I have to protect Emma because apart from Liam she's all I got and I'm sure as hell I won't find anyone else like her.

We continued the movie and when it ended we started one more. But what Emma didn't know was that I was planning something to solve this whole Neal-case. I just had to talk to David.

When it was late enough we called Emma's parents and after a few minutes of talking they invited us over for dinner. Perfect. We took care of some things on the Jolly Roger then we were managed to sleep a bit.

We got ready and not waking any suspicion I tried to stay close to Emma as much as I could.

It was already 7 pm when we arrived and it was still really hot. I hated summer here I was sweating balls all the time.

"Hey kids! Come on in." David opened the door and we walked in. Mary-Margaret was in the kitchen and Emma went in there to talk to her. We decided to tell them separately. Well mainly it was my idea because this way I could talk to David.

"Listen Dave, I need to tell you something. Emma is doing the same with Mary-Margaret." I scratched behind my ear. "Neal is back. He started with messages and then visited Emma back in school. After that we haven't heard from him but yesterday when we arrived home our place was totally messed up. We have a really big chance that it was him." I saw anger in his eyes. I continued. "What Emma doesn't know is that I might have a solution. Firstly we'll have to get an injunction. Both of us. I hope that you can help us since, you know, you're the sheriff." I looked at him with hope in my eyes. "Y-yeah I guess I can do that. I'll call up some contacts later." I nodded a thank you.

"Secondly, we have to sell my house and I have to buy an apartment and a safe-spot. No one can know about that one. Since you've been living here your whole life I was hoping you can help in that too. Emma couldn't know about the safe-spot, I want to arrange everything before taking her there." He was confused I could tell it by his expression. "Listen here Dave I have to protect Emma. She's the most important and I cannot lose her. You get that right?" I asked, hopefully this will pull him back to reality.

"Of course. I'm gonna see what I can do. What will you do until then?" He asked. This was a really good question. "I don't know. Maybe I'll ask Regina if we can stay at her place because she has the mayor's house. The old mayor resigned and she became the youngest one in the town's history." He nodded. "Yeah I heard about it too. Very impressive."

Emma's POV

When we got to my parents' place I practically ran to the kitchen where my mom was. "Oh thank god you're here. Your voice was worried is everything okay?" My mom asked. "Well actually no. Neal is back. He's been for some time but now he's a threat. And if that wouldn't be enough Killian follows me everywhere. Don't get me wrong I love him to the moon and back but today he was really annoying. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone he followed me there too. It's cute that he's worried about me but he crossed a line today." My mom listened to me and as soon as I stopped she hugged me. "Honey I am so sorry. We'll solve this Neal-problem in no time I promise. And don't worry about Killian he'll calm down with time I'm sure. He's just worried about you." She smiled at me. I love how my mom can calm me anytime with just two or three sentences.

We continued to talk and when dinner was ready I set the table. I called the boys to dinner but my father was on his phone all the time and he said he had to take care of some things. This was really strange. Killian called someone too later and I started to get really suspicious. When they both finished I walked up to them.

"What are you boys planning?" They looked at each other in shock. "Love, we just making sure that this Neal-problem ends as soon as it is possible." Killian said. He was telling the truth. This was so kind of them to worry this much about me. I hugged both of them. I heard a click and when I turned around I saw my mother with a polaroid in her hands. She had a wide smile across her face. "That's not fair Mom!" I whined but it was no use. That picture was actually really cute, my father cupping my head while Killian's hand was on my lower back. Both of them had their eyes closed as I wrapped my arms around them.

"Swan, what would you say about us moving in to Regina's for a few weeks? I don't want to stay in that house now that Neal found you." Killian asked out of nowhere. "I guess that's not a bad idea. But we can't stay there forever can we?" I asked him. "Of course, I'll find something. Thankfully that house is worth a lot maybe we can buy two apartments, one for Liam and one for us. What do you think?"

I smiled like an idiot and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and held me close. I heard another click behind me. "Oh Mom come on! At least let me know before you take any pictures!" I said to her while I turned around. "That would ruin the moment and you know that too sweetheart. But id you insist, look here and I'll do a picture like this when you both pay attention. Is that okay?" She asked. "Yeah I guess." We held each other with one hand and Killian put his left hand into his pocket. Click. Oh god we looked so tired, guess that two-hour afternoon sleep didn't help much.


It was really late when we got home and I was tired as hell. I practically hopped into bed with my shoes on and fell asleep immediately.

Killian's POV

When we got home I looked around and saw nothing suspicious. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and I saw a knocked out Emma laying on the bed. She was already asleep and I couldn't help but smile. I turned on the bedside lamp to take off her shoes and socks, along with her tiny jeans. I saw a piece of paper on her stomach. I took it "I'm watching you. Both of you. Better be careful, and don't let her be alone if you don't want her gone." This was war now. I looked around and saw nothing and no one. I took off my clothes and closed every window, pulling every curtain and after I took off Emma's unnecessary clothes too I pulled the blanket over us.

I held her close to me and I loved that no matter how deeply she was sleeping whenever I pulled her closer to myself she snuggled up to me. I always though it was strange because I just pulled her jeans off of her with struggle because it was really tight, and she didn't even stir, but as soon as I touched her under the blankets she always came closer to me. Guess it's a reflex or something.

I struggled falling asleep but with time I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

|trying to write a few chapters ahead so I have some steps ahead

Hope you guys like it so far

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