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Narrator's POV

Emma and Killian both graduated successfully and they opened the Jolly Roger in full capacity. It was a blast and they even had to hire a waitress to keep up the work. Emma did the paperwork and Killian of course was the chef. They had reservations for three weeks ahead.

Neal didn't check in since that encounter so Emma felt much better although she was still cautious.

They wanted to start the baby project but they still had a month to wait. They were practically in each other's arms all the time and it was harder and harder as time passed. They were ready for each other just from a look or touch. They couldn't go out to anywhere but they didn't want to. The moment they were alone they did makeout sessions that would make anybody envious. They didn't bother though, as far as they could be together.

After two months they decided to close the Jolly Roger for a week and they went on vacation. Their destination was Ireland. Killian decided to show Emma where he grew up and he chose the time when possibly the weather wasn't as rainy as always.

They were now sitting on the plane, Emma sleeping on Killian's shoulder as Killian was watching some movie the plane provided. As Emma started to stir Killian took off the headphones and looked at her.

Emma's POV

"How much time until we get there?" I asked him with my sleepy voice. He chuckled. "A little less then two hours. You can sleep if you want to I'll be here when you wake up I promise." I knew he was right. Whenever he promised me something he always kept his word. "It's okay. I think I'm gonna watch a movie instead." I smiled at him and I pecked his lips. He gave me a lustful gaze. I wanted him so bad. This waiting thing was such a bad idea.

"Uhm. Love. I'll go to the restroom." He stood up and left. Before he disappeared he gave me one last look and I stood up and followed him. I've never flew before and at first I was nervous but this was actually really boring. I wonder if the restrooms are really that small as they show them. I knocked on one of the doors. "Occupied!" I heard a woman say and then the other door opened, and it was Killian. He looked me up and down then pulled me in. The rumours were true, this restroom was so small we literally stood in each other's face. Don't get me wrong I didn't bother I just couldn't understand how people had sex here.

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"Ello love! You missed me this much?" He asked with a smirk. "Oh Killian you couldn't imagine how much I miss you all the time. I know that this was my idea to wait but now... I'm totally forgetting... Why..." I said, giving him kisses. "I know Swan but we've come this far don't ruin it. Think about the baby, you don't want it to be sick do you? It's worth waiting trust me." He was right I knew that. "But not having sex doesn't mean that we don't do anything else." I teased him and I knew this was more than enough to him because I could feel it.

We kissed each other like our lives depended on it and he slowly made his way to my neck, then he started to unbutton my shirt. "Oh god where is your bra?" He asked, maybe a bit too loud. "Shh! It was uncomfortable so I took it off before we got on the plane." He stared at my eyes then to my breasts then back to my eyes. "Bloody siren!" He murmured and I started to giggle. He continued to caress my breasts and meanwhile I stroked his manhood. He let out moans and he put his hand into my panties.

I started to unbuckle his belt because I knew this could be painful to him and he gave me a cute smile. He kissed me again and then he unbuttoned my pants and pulled me so close. His erection was at the right place. "Swan we have to stop before something 'bad' happens." I could see he tried to pull away but the passion was too much. "I know but I don't want to. And I know that you have to do something about that maybe I can help." I smirked and he just took off his jeans and pants with one quick move. "Milady, let's finish this bad boy." He said and I gladly obeyed him. As I held him in my mouth he started to move and he soon finished into my mouth. I stood up and kissed him passionately, then since he couldn't bend down I helped him to dress up.

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We both laughed quietly and then I left the restroom first, letting Killian clean himself a bit. I rushed back to my seat and sat down, ordering some wine to both of us. When Killian came back he gave me a playful smirk and sat down next to me.

The flight attendant said we would arrive in 15 minutes. "Well I guess no time for a movie. We occupied ourselves for long enough." We buckled our seatbelts on and held each other's hands while the plane landed.

Killian's POV

Bloody siren. I wanted to calm down that's why I went to the restroom but then I opened the door and guess who was standing there? Of course Emma. I miss her so much it kills me but I know it's worth waiting. I have to be patient.

The plane landed and we rented a car. Thank god Liam didn't sell our old house so I headed there. When we arrived Emma's jaw dropped. "K-Killian is this yours?" I chuckled at her comment. "Aye it is. See something you like?" I asked. "Oh god yes! This is like a castle!" I smirked at her and guided her to the main entrance. I picked her up bridal style and carried her in.

Honestly it was really weird to be here again, I've never thought I'd come back anytime soon. Everything was the same, except that some furnitures came with us to the states. But other than that, it was the same atmosphere, the same smell, everything stopped here. I showed the house to Emma and I could tell that she really liked it.

The time delay really messed us up but it was morning here in Ireland and we didn't want to sleep through the whole day. We went out and had coffee and then I led her through the town, not missing anything. It was already sunset when we decided to eat something.

I knew the perfect place, it's called the Emchanted Forest. It's the best restaurant I've ever been. After the Jolly Roger of course. We sat down and I ordered us some irish beer which Emma never tried before, and we ate steak with fries. This was the house speciality and she wanted to try it.

I missed this kind of beer so much. It was a brown ale and it had cranberry syrup in it which made it bittersweet. These irish peolpe do know how to make fantastic beer. Maybe one day I'm gonna try.

After having dinner we walked on the beach for a while and the weather was really hot so we dipped our legs into the ocean. Then we just sat down and looked at the horizon. "You know, when my father died I just sat here for days waiting. I was hoping that they misunderstood something and his ship would appear on the horizon. But of course it never did. This was always my safe spot and now I get to be here with the love of my life. I'm really happy I can show you where I grew up. Thank you." I said while looking into her eyes. She shed a tear but I wiped it away. "I love you Killian Jones."

"Oh so it's really you Killybear! I knew you were familiar!" Oh no. What is  she doing here? "Hello Milah!" I said, not hiding my anger. I stood up and held Emma behind myself. "What the hell do you want? I'm busy, go away!" I said to her. Emma held my hands. "I saw you at the Enchanted Forest I was wondering who that blonde was. I thought you hired a whore or something." I let go of Emma's hands and squeezed my fists so much that my knuckles became white.

"Don't you dare say that about her! I warned you once and this is the second and last time. Go. Away." She laughed and waved a goodbye.

I turned around and hugged Emma. "Sorry about seeing that all." I murmured into her shoulder. "It's okay. Come on, let's go home. It's late." She pulled away and smiled at me. I held her hands as we walked home. When we got there we hopped down the couch and I turned on the tv. Emma excused herself and I couldn't stay awake any longer so I fell asleep.

"Killian!" My eyes popped out as I heard Emma screaming. "Killian!" Again. The voices came from the balcony. Oh yeah the balcony. I ran there. "You didn't say that you have a swimming pool here Jones!" I scratched behind my ear. "Well yeah now you can see it. Want me to fill it with water for you?" She jumped up and down like a little kid. "Yes please!" I hugged her and kissed her forehead. Water started to fill the pool but it should take a day to fully finish.

I guided Emma back to the house and we went into my old room. Thank god I had a huge bed. We had shower together and we were so tired I just gave her a peck on her lips and we cuddled.

"Goodnight Swan."

"Night, Jones."

And with that we both drifted off. I dreamt about our wedding.

|one or maybe two more chapters in ireland and then they go back to the states. hope you guys like it

Love you all|

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