Baby girl?

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|okay so guys I am really really sorry for not updating it's just I have still so much going on in my life.

I try my best I swear but it's really hard

I love you all|

Narrator's POV

Two months passed since Emma became Emma Jones. Their lives couldn't be more perfect. As it turned out Emma was actually pregnant and they couldn't wait for their little bean to arrive.

Killian started a company that made and sold ships, and you can say that it was successful from the beginning.

Since Emma's old dream was to be a bailbonds-person she actually found a school where she can learn to be one. She started it and since she could stay home she did that. Learning all that stuff took almost all of her freetime but she was desperate to finish school before the baby arrived. Her teachers told that this idea is crazy and it's impossible but they didn't know Emma Jones.

Of course they stayed in Ireland, and it was actually Emma's idea. She loved being there and also she didn't want Buckley to fly because she was afraid something could happen to him during the flight.

Buckley was a really good dog all the time and he loved both of them. Since Emma was pregnant he always sat next to her, somehow sensing the baby in there. He usually put his head on her lap and sometimes Killian felt a bit jealous about it but then he laughed about himself.

It was now another usual weekday, when Emma read one of his books and Killian was on the phone all day long. He handled the business from home, only visiting the factory twice a month.

Emma's POV

"Buckley! Wanna go out? It's snowing!" I said to him. His eyes were sparkling and full of joy. As I stood up he started wiggling his tail and ran to the door. He is a really calm dog so he usually doesn't jump all around but when it comes to snow he can't contain himself. I went to grab my coat and I saw Killian in the office. The door was slightly open and his hand was in his hair messing it up while he was on the phone. As always. He had a worried expression on his face and as I stood there he glanced at me. He gave me a warm smile which I gladly returned, then I continued my way towards Bucks. "Come here ya big boy let's go play."

We went out and I started to make snowballs. Then I threw them all around the backyard. Buckley was so confused trying to catch them but they of course disappeared every time. I had so much fun and I totally lost my sense of time being out there.

Killian's POV

"Well yeah absolutely. You do that and I'm gonna go off the rest of the day. No phones, no emails please." As I finished my sentence I put my phone down and muted it. Bloody business calls all the time. I knew Emma went out because I saw her and Buckley was all excited I am sure they went out for a walk.

I walked to the kitchen and made coffee. As I was sipping it I looked out the window and saw Emma playing with Bucks in the backyard. I quickly put my mug down and rushed to get my coat. As quiet as I could I walked out and threw Emma with a snowball on her back.

"What the-?" She asked and turned around. Her already red face lit up as she saw me and she practically jumped at me. "You're out!"

"Aye love I am. I cut off for today. I'm all yours." I smirked at her and gave her a peck on her lips. Then Bucks barked one and we looked at him. "Okay buddy yours too, no worries."

We both laughed and then I threw a snowball to Buckley. Then of course Emma had to throw a ball at me.

"Oh Swan this is war now." I said and threw her, careful not to hit her belly. She was so happy and that made me happy too. "This time snow gonna remain and as I can see this will fall now for a long while."

"Oh that's so great! I love this. But can we go inside now? I don't want to get sick." She asked in a cute voice. I just nodded and she walked in while I cathed Bucks. Oh boy was it hard. He was like a rabbit running away from the chasing dogs during a hunt. By the time I catched him we were both exhausted but I knew he thought we were just playing. At least we could go inside.

Buckley immediately sat next to the fireplace to his mat and he started chewing one of his toys. Emma was in the kitchen sitting on the counter, looking at her phone.

"Something interesting?" I asked as I approached her and hugged her. "Nah it's just my instagram. Nothing interesting." I never understood how anybody could spend hours looking at pictures. Maybe if I'd had time I'd do the same but I have a business to run.

"Want some hot cocoa?" I asked and she cutely smiled at me. "Yes please. With-" I chuckled. "Cinnamon, I know love." I pecked her lips and made two cups. I spiced mine up with a kick of rum.

We sat in peaceful silence until she broke it.

"Girl or boy?" She asked. "What?" I asked back because this got me off guard. "You want a girl or a boy?" Oh I see now. "As long as it's completely healthy I don't mind. Really. Why you askin'?" She blushed. "Well I don't really know. But I have a feeling that it's a little girl." Her face was so happy.  "Well no matter what it will be loved." I smiled at her and she gave me a love-filled kiss. "Mmm I really miss rum. This is so good." She smiled, our lips still barely separated. "You'll have to wait a few months until then but I'm always here for you to taste it." I smirked.

The day went on and we were just laying on the couch talking and watching random tv shows. After Buckley ate his food he jumped up and snuggled between us. "Bloody hell of course you have to be here around us." I said and Emma hit my shoulder. "Hush you, he just loves us. Let him be." I rolled my eyes but of course I knew that she was right.

After a few hours Emma fell asleep and I started to talk to her belly.

Emma's POV

I felt really tired but it just felt so good to be in his arms. I missed being like this. Then I heard him talking.

"Ello there little one. I know that you can possibly hear me now. I am your Daddy and I love you so much. Actually now you spend all your time with your Mommy and I'm a bit jealous. She says that you're a girl and I said to her that I don't mind. But oh I do. I'd love you to be my little baby girl. Looking just like your Mommy. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. I promise you I'll teach you everything that you have to know. I am actually really afraid that I won't be good enough, but I'll try my best and I'll always be there for you no matter what. But no dating until I say so!" He chuckled at this one and slowly pulled up my shirt to reveal my tummy. Then he kissed it so sweetly. "You'll always be my little bean. One day you'll learn about how I met your beautiful Mommy and how we got you. I can't wait to see your beautiful face my baby. I love you."

By the time he finished tears gathered up my eyes. I smiled at him and he looked at me. He gave me a nervous chuckle. "How much did you hear?" He asked. "Well, actually all of it." I said and giggled. "You're gonna be a great father of our baby girl."

He smiled at me. "Are you this certain?" He asked and I just nodded. "I can feel it." I smiled at him.

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