I'm Lost and Confused, I H20 U High Skool

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SoI'm Lost and Confused

I H20 U High Skool

Or rather freshman campus

So now I must be dropped off at the high school fur first period

Only problem is, I have no idea what to do once I get there.

Do I go to da cafeteria?

My first period?

The library?

So with these questions, I woke up at six-thirty this morning and decided to write this chapter.

Some1 help me.

Also srry fur not updating yesterdays but I had a volleyball game and didn't get home till late

So instead of writing, and worrying bout diz last night

I slept.

Ironic because I drank a dr peppers and they seemed 2 have no effect on meh

Maybe I'm immune now.

Meh herez a meme, cuz u need it.

Meh herez a meme, cuz u need it

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Alrighty that's all fur now

I hope u beans can help meh

Yep I'm done

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