I Made A Bet With Ravioli; And It Turned Out Profitable

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(That's my doggy Emma, she's my only friend)

I Made A Bet With Ravioli; And It Turned Out Profitable

Then I made a bet with a bean

And she didnt laugh

So I applaud you Rachel

Finally I made a bet with a cheesecake

And I ate it


I wrote that like a week ago and never published it.

Ima looser.

Anyways, onto the rant about my life....

My brother ate the last cherry poptart, and I almost ripped off his head.

Great way to start the only day of the week I actually have the privilege of resting.

But I swear volleyball is eating me alive..

All I gotta do is go until the end of October..

Then this little do dad comes into play

Then this little do dad comes into play

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And guess who wrote that for me.

If u guessed not me, then ur righter than my brother.

Jen Jen pooh made it inescapable.

No tricks.

No cheats.

And no loopholes.

I'm beginning to question why I even gave her the paper to begin with.. Or maybe I gave her the pen.

No wait.

If I gave Jennapooh the pen, that means she stoles it from me!!

Or I lost it..

Either way I'm still hunting u down Jen Jen.

But if ur reading this, Johnny wasn't lying I'm dying.

(Not really but don't tell her that)

Okay friends I also wanted to tell u how I feel about u:

Okay friends I also wanted to tell u how I feel about u:

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😽😸💛 love u guys

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