Best roomates ever

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"Alex? Come on you gotta wake up it's already 7:30." John groaned and started poking Alexander's face. 'How long has he been up yesterday?' He asked himself with a concerned look. John smiled when Alex's eyes fluttered open. "Good morning 'mister I'm never late for work'."

Alex turned over and cuddled himself deeper into the bedsheets. "Only 5 more minutes." He responded with a muffled voice. He looked exhausted and overworked.

John huffed as he pouted and pulled the warm bedsheets off of Alex. "I made breakfast so at least join us for that. I'll call your office and excuse you for today." He walked out of Alex's and his room to make Alex's plate ready. John took out his phone and went to the fridge where he typed in the number of Alexander's office. He took out a bottle water and sat down at the kitchen table. John giggled as he saw how grumpy Alex was as he sat next to John.

"Tell them that Burr has to E-mail me the information about the newest client." He mumbled and started eating the fluffy pancakes which were made by John. Alex jumped a little as Hercules came into the room.

"Good morning everybody!" He laughed and sat next to Alex. "Why are you still here Alex? Did you overwork yourself again?" He asked and dug right into the pancakes. "Oh, I'll be home later than normal. It's 50% day and have to work until 9 o'clock."

John just nodded and spoke into the phone. "Yeah, Alex won't come today but can you send him the information of your newest client?" He drank some water and listened to Burr on the other end. His lips pressed together as Burr asked why Alexander couldn't come to work. "I guess he worked to much. I heard his typing longer than usual."

Alexander stood up and went back into his and John's room where he flopped back onto the bed. 'I just wanted to do the job perfectly. I don't do stuff half assed.' He thought and sighed deeply.

John ended the call and set his phone back on the table. With a frown he also started to eat and every once in a while a curl hung before his eyes. He stood up and got himself a hairband and tried to make a ponytail with all of his massive hair. John sat back down and continued to eat.

Hercules saw the frown on John's face and was getting worried why his usual cheery friend was all grumpy. "John stop frowning, you're eating pancakes so you should smile." He took a sip of his coffee and looked back at John.

John sighed and took another bite from the pancakes. "It's about Alex..." He looked back at the door which led to his and Alex's room. "He's always working so hard and he doesn't stop even when he's exhausted. I wish he would take more care of himself."

Hercules smiled and brought his plate to the sink. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's a grown man and knows what's best for him. By the way, today is Laf's last practice for his show so sooner or later we gotta watch it." He took his coat and his phone. "See ya later."

John nodded and waited until Hercules was gone. He stood up and did the dishes. His shift started at 12 o'clock so he had some time left. John looked on his watch. "Already 9 huh..." He still couldn't get his friend out of his mind. He could hear Lafayette in the other room talking on his phone. John took some salad with him into his and Alex's room. He smiled at the snoring Alex and went to his turtle cage. He took out his turtle and sat onto his bed. The salad was already chopped into smaller pieces for the turtle. John held the salad in front of the small turtle and watched it as it ate. He caught himself staring at Alex's sleeping form and he felt the heat rising to his cheeks. John was never sure of his feelings towards his best friend. As the turtle was finished eating, John stood up and put it back in the cage. "See you later buddy~" He smiled and went to the door but stopped. He looked back at Alex and his eyes wandered from Alex's head to his behind. John snapped out of his gaze and went out of the room.

"John! I'm so nervous for the play. What if I mess up?" Lafayette came into the livingroom and looked at John. The Frenchman had practiced his lines all night long and was worried about his performance. He tied his hair back into a ponytail and let himself flopp onto the couch.

John sat down next to him and patted his shoulder. "Don't you worry, it's not a performance in front of people tonight. You can practice again and when it really matters you'll do great. Herc is especially excited for your performance." He smiled as he saw the slight blush on Lafayette's cheeks.

"Really? I thought theater wasn't his thing." He looked out of the window and let his head fall back. "Why does it make me so nervous? Usually I'm a lot more confident in my role." Lafayette's phone started ringing and he picked it up. "Oui?" He heard Hercules on the other end.

"Hey Laf! I found a purple coat in our new collection. Should I bring you one to see if it fits? I'm sure it would look great on you." Hercules waved a customer goodbye and unpacked the cartons with new clothes in them.

"S-sure I would love that~" Lafayette laughed and smiled widely. "Okay, see you later." He set his phone down and saw John smirking. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

John laughed slightly and stood up. "Oh sweet jesus aren't you two just adorable together~" He saw how Lafayette's cheeks grew a red colour. "Just go on a date please."

The Frenchman smirked. "I could say the same thing about you and your petit ami in there." He pointed to the door which led to Alex's and John's room. "I see how you look at him John~ That look on your face when you see him with messy hair and cuddled in his bed with his little lion plush."

Now it was John's turn to turn beet red. "I don't know what you're talking about. Just eat your damn breakfast and go to your practise." He crossed his arms and huffed.

Lafayette laughed and did as he was told to. "Okay, have a good day John." He grinned and left the appartement.

John sighed and made himself ready to leave for his job. Now it was 11 a.m. and John had to go. He slowly opened the door to his room and looked at Alex. 'He's still sleeping. I hope he feels better after the day off.' John sneaked inside and sat down on Alex's bed. His eyes graced every single little detail of Alexander's face. The beauty of the man he loved- Did he love him? Even without the answer to this question he couldn't help but smile at Alex's wonderful face. 'Only one...' He thought and slowly bend down and placed a soft kiss on top of Alexander's forhead. After that he quickly made his way out of the appartement and went to work.

Alexander woke up as it was 4 p.m. He sat up in his bed and groaned loudly. "Where did I put it?" He asked himself as he was searching for his laptop. After 10 minutes of searching he found the laptop on his bed under the still warm covers. Alex took it and opened the window in the room to let some fresh air into it. He set his laptop onto his desk and decided to take a shower before he would start working. As the water ran down his body he started to sing softly and smiled as he thought about Laurens. 'Shower thoughts about John. Well that's weird.' He chuckled to himself and got out of the shower. Alex took a towel and dried himself quickly so that he could get to work.


Hey dear readers:3 Welcome to a new story and I hope you enjoy it~ I write this story for my lovely friend PinkerthanPoland since she is such a wonderful person. Have a nice day/night everyone*~*

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