Raise a glass

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The four men were looking around the room searching for a place to sit down and get some drinks. Lafayette found a nice lounch and pulled the other three along. They sat down and Hercules offered to get their drinks. "I take a beer!" Alex screamed over the music. John held up two fingers, signalling he also wanted a beer. "I take some red wine!" Lafayette yelled and Herc left while he dodged a lot of already drunk people.

Lafayette watched Hercules leave and bit his lip. "Guys, I need to make a move. I don't think I can hold the tension between us any longer." He played with his curly hair which didn't make it into the ponytail.

"Just please don't be too loud tonight." John laughed and shut his mouth when Herc came back and handed them their drinks. "Herc! Laf was just talking about how cute your butt looks!" He giggled as he saw Lafayette blushing.

"I-i never said that!" The Frenchman put his hands to his cheeks to cover the red rising to his face. He didn't make eye contact with Hercules and just took a large gulp of his wine. Lafayette looked over to the dance floor and saw three women looking at Alexander and the one in the middle looked distressed. "Alex do you know these women who are staring at you?" He asked and Alex turned around o see it was Angelica, Peggy and Eliza.

"Those are the Schuyler sisters. The one in the middle is Eliza, my ex." He explained and sipped at his beer. "I wonder why they look at me tough." Alex turned back to his friends and realized that John was very quiet since they came here. "Is something wrong John?" He asked concerned.

John's looked up from his beer in his hands and took a deep breath. He could see Lafayette giving him a thumbs up and he sighed. "I-i was just wondering if you would like to go dancing. With me?" He spoke very quiet and Alex didn't seem to have heard him. Just as John wanted to repeat himself he saw a woman putting a hand onto Alex's shoulder. He closed his mouth and drank a bit of his beer as Alex turned around. 'Damnit.' John thought and leaned back in his seat.

"Hey Alex! It's good to see you again." Eliza said and shook Alex's hand. She saw him smiling and she was excited to finally meet his friends. "Wouldn't you like to introduce me to your friends?" Eliza put one hand onto her hip and smiled at the three other men.

Peggy and Maria were dancing in the middle of the huge crowd of people. They were having so much fun and sang along to the songs that came on. Peggy took a hold to Maria's waist and pulled her closer and smashed her lips onto Maria's. 'Gosh this feels good~' She thought and they went into a corner where they were now making out. 'Soon I will do it~ Don't worry my sweetheart~ It's only a matter of time.' Peggy thought and grinned at the thought.

Angelica was still hyped as her little sister told her and Eliza before the party that she was going to propose to Maria. She was holding a drink in her hand and saw how Eliza was with Alexander. Angelica dazzled over to her sister and leaned onto her shoulder. "Hey you guys! You must be Alexander and his friends we've never met!" She chuckled as her eyes met Hercules'. Angelica almost dropped her drink but quickly regained her composure.

Alex smiled at Angelica and started introducing his best friends. "This is John Laurens a turtle loving, freckled faced and a very nice friend."

John flinched at the word friend and waved at the two sisters and waved it off. 'I guess I'll always be just a friend to him.' He thought and tuned the conversation out. 'Maybe I can get something with more alcohol in it.' He didn't think much and stood up, startling Alex because he was just about to ask John again what he was saying before. John walked towards the bar and sat down on a high stool.

Lafayette looked worried and excused himself from the table to follow his friend to the bar. As he finally got there, he saw John downing a drink and ordering another one. Lafayette sighed and put a hand on John's shoulder as he sat down beside him. "John what is wrong?" He asked in a soft voice but still loud enough for John to hear.

Angelica and Eliza sat down into the now empty seats and the conversations between the four of them became better every time a new subject comes up. The oldest Schuyler was staring at Hercules and couldn't stop herself from biting her lip. 'I really need someone in my life and damn this man is BEAUTIFUL.' She thought and whispered into Eliza's ear. "I'm right back." Angelica stood up and took Hercules' hand and led him to the dance floor.

Eliza laughed at her sister and finally looked back at Alexander. "So, how has life been?" She asked and took a sip of her beer. She put her hair behind her ear.

John put his head onto the bar and groaned loudly. "Why do I have to be friends with him? I wanna kiss him so much~" He was a bit drunk but he could still handle to walk and talk with Lafayette. The Frenchman took John away from the bar because this could've ended very terrible.

Lafayette understood how his friend felt and he also was getting tired of waiting for an oppurtunity to make a move. "John look, Alexander will see how incredible you are! He just needs to get a closer look."

'Look?' John thought and remembered the night where Alex was staring at him. His face went pink at the thought. "Maybe he got himself a closer look and is now debating with himself if he likes me that way or not?" John was sobering up quickly as Lafayette is keep giving him water.

((We reached over a 100 reads~ WOHOO THANK YOU PEOPLE<3 This book is my top priority from the others I write and I'm do in love writing it^^ Thanks again and have a good night/day*~*))

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