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It was now 5 p.m. and an exhausted John left his workplace. The sidewalk was full of snow and he could hear cars honking in the distance. He'd served some wrong beverages today and his co workers started to worry about him but... the only thing in his mind that was bugging him was Alexander. He also thought about Eliza who had such an incredible luck to be with him. A sigh escaped his lips and a frown replaced his smile he once had. 'How am I gonna do this?' He asked himself and took out his phone to see what time it was. "Shit." He muttered as he saw that it was already half past five and his favourit TV show was already over. He finally arrived at their flat and unlocked the door. There was a note on the fridge from Hercules and Lafayette which said: 'We are out tonight! Have lots of fun.' And there was a drawing next to it which looked like this: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) John's phone vibrated and he saw that he got a text from Alexander. "What did he do now?" He read the whole text which was long because it's from our favourit Hamilton but summarized it said that he was called into Washington's office so he wasn't going to be home early. John took the note from the fridge and threw it in the bin.

Alex sat vis-a-vis from George in his office and stared at him in utter disbelieve. "What? He c-can't just do that! You had nothing to do with me coming late Sir!" He was outraged by the news he's just gotten. At first he thought that he himself would get fired but it wasn't him that got fired, but Washington. "This is nuts! What is this moron thinking? We never had such a high income until we had you as our boss!" It didn't go into Alex's mind how someone could be so cruel. It wasn't even George's fault but his! "Listen Sir, I'm going to talk to him about this. If you could please give me his phone number then-" "No, leave it Alex. We both know there is nothing we can do. Let's instead enjoy this last time. I have some beer. Would you like some?" George saw Alex's expression soften and he nodded. George gave Alex a bottle and they just sat together talking about trivial things. Alex really needed this beer to calm his mind a bit with everything that's been happening all at once in his life. It made him even more stressed than he already was and that wasn't good with his short temper.

John sat in the living room after he's just taken a shower and watches some show on TV. His curls were still dripping so he had a towel around his shoulders and relaxed into the cussions. His eyes were slowly closing and his breathing softened. John would've had a nice nap if it wasn't for Alexander who barged into the room. He sat up quickly with wide eyes and looked towards Alex. "Good evening." He said with a smile and waved slightly. John saw that Alex had a tough day and scooted over a bit so that the other man could sit down.

For a long time there was silence until John decided to break it. "What hap-" "I think I might be in love with you!" Alex blurted out of nowhere and John froze instantly. His brain couldn't seem to progress the information he'd just recieved and his mouth was opening and closing for a couple of times. He felt the butterflies in hi stomach again and saw that Alex wanted to run into the bathroom but he didn't let him. John reached for Alex's arm and pulled him back carefully. They stood there for a while before John pulled Alex into a hug and went through Alex's black hair with his hand. He wanted to say something but he was just too overwhelmed. Alex's hands went to John's back and they pressed against each other.

There were so many unspoken words but Alexander knew that John had at least some kind of feelings for him and that was enough for now and he let himself enjoy the closure they had. After they parted John was smiling brightly and caressed Alex's hands with his. "I hoped that you would one day say that." He whispered and their eyes met. John wanted to never look anywhere else than in Alex's eyes. He slowly got closer and kissed him on the cheek as they both grew red in their faces.

Alex couldn't contain his happyness and jumped around like a little child who just got what they wanted. John chuckled at this and there was so much warmth spreading through his body as he watched him. 'I can't believe it!' He and Alex settled down again on the couch and this time cuddling. "What did you want to say?" Alex asked laughing and leaning back into John. "Nothing~" He kissed the top of Alex's head and there was finally a new episode of Steven Universe on the TV.

"WHY DOES THIS SHOW ALWAYS MAKE ME SO EMOTIONAL!" John cried and cuddled Alex as hard as he could. "Calm down John! It's not real." He chuckled and patted John's back and gave him a kiss on his lips and John abruptly stopped. He kissed back passionatly until~

"Hey guOHOHO!" Hercules and Lafayette came home and applauded the couple. "It took ages! Finally!" Lafayette gave all three of them a bone crushing hug.

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