Aaron Burr, Sir

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John's shift cam to an end and he walked out of the small coffee shop with Lafayette. His mind was always trying to get him to think about Alexander but he asked Lafayette to constantly talk to him so he wouldn't have to. They came closer to Theodosia's and Aaron's house where they were staying for the night. Lafayette nudged John in the side. "You are zoning out John. We are almost there."

Hercules couldn't help himself and stood next to Alexander in the kitchen. He had watched him for quiet a bit as he tried to cook something for Eliza and knew he had to do something or else the whole house would've burned down. "Laf and John will be staying at Theo's tonight. They want to talk to her about the wedding." He lied and chopped another potato.

Alexander nodded and bit his lip as he tried to flip the meat in the pan without success. "Herc can you help me here? This damn meat won't budge." He got a text from Eliza and he smiled at his phone. It said: Hi Alex! I'm so excited for tonight~ I just got the news that my sister proposed to her girlfriend. So I can't stay too long tonight because I want to go to them to celebrate. If you want you can come too?
He replied with: Hey Eliza:3 Congratulations to your sister! I'm afraid I can not join you after dinner since my work starts early tomorrow. But I'm happy that you're excited for tonight~

Eliza put her phone down and let out a sigh. "What should I wear Angie?" She asked her sister as she stood in front of her warderobe. She wanted to look perfect for Alexander.

Angelica showed Eliza a couple of suggestions which all were very short dresses. "You know it's winter?" Eliza asked and put them back in the closet. She finally found a blue dress with a agreeable length and not too much cleavage. "Why do I even have these short dresses?" She mumbled and Angelica just laughed nervously.

Finally the two wandering men reached the house of their friend and knocked on the front door. They heard fast footsteps which could only belong to Theodosia. As the door slammed open, John was tackle hugged to the ground. "John! I'm so sorry for what happend." She squeezed him tightly and John hugged her back. Lafayette helped them to get up and they walked inside.

Aaron was cooking a delicious meal when the others came in. "Hello? I didn't know we had guests today." He laughed and walked towards the group of hugging people. "Theo? Would you mind explaining what happend?" He took off his apron and sat down on a chair.

"Alexander was a real bitch to John even tough he doesn't know why! He slept with Eliza Schyuler last night and you know." Theo was still hugging John.

"I know what?" Aaron was confused on how that affected John in any way. Then it made click. "Ah now I get it. You like Alexander."

John nodded and put his head on Theo's shoulder. "He was very proud of last night. I haven't seen him that happy in a long time." He sighed and motioned over to the kitchen. "I think you should go back to your cooking. It smells a bit burned in here."

Aaron jumped up and ran into the kitchen and could just barely safe the food he was cooking. He put the food on four plates and put then onto the dinner table. "Come on guys I didn't cook so you could stare at it." He smiled and sat down. The other three came as well and Theo pressed a kiss to Aaron's forehead. "Thank you for cooking darling." She giggled and sat down beside him.

John was mostly silent and eating when the others were talking. He still felt the sadness in him and he really wanted to get that sadness out of him. After they were done eating he asked Aaron if they had any alcohol.

"I'm not sure if alcohol will help you John. Come sit with us and we can talk about it. Theo's currently preparing the guest rooms for you and Lafayette."

Eliza knocked at the door of the appartement and it opened really fast to reveal a stressed Alexander. She giggled at his expression and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "How are you? You seem exhausted." Eliza came inside and saw that Hercules was also here. "Hi Hercules." She said in the most sweet voice.

Hercules had his arms crossed. 'I don't have to be angry at her. Alex is the one that messed things up.' He thought as he put on a smile and shook her hand. "Hey Eliza. Take a seat the meal's almost done."

Frederick was currently in the theater he was soon to perform in, learning his lines. His boyfriend sat in front of him so he had a critic to see if he's done good. As he finished he heard clapping and he saw Samuel jump up to hug him. "You did great love~" He swooned and kissed Frederick on the nose. "Thank you Samuel. I guess I was so good because of your presence~" He cooed into the others ear and licked his earlobe. Samuel chuckled and put his arms around Frederick's neck. "Where is that friend of yours? Lafayette was it?" Samuel asked and played with Frederick's golden locks. "He told me there was an emergency so he couldn't come to practice. Well it doesn't really matter because I got to be all alone with you here~"

John really didn't want to talk about it even tough it would've felt good to rant to someone who would listen but he just wasn't ready for that. "Can we just watch Steven Universe for now? I need my daily cartoon dosis."
Lafayette and Aaron looked at him weird but the TV was turned on and they watched the show.

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