Boi you got me helpless

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The night went on quick. Hercules didn't exactly know anything about Angelica but he had to admit that she was beautiful. He and her were dancing together and had drinks in their hands. 'I wonder if the others also have such a great time like me.' He thought and carried on dancing.

Alexander felt himself getting tipsy but the alcohol was just too delicious to stop. He was still talking with Eliza even tough his words weren't really understandable. His eyes always wandered to Eliza's lips and back to her eyes when she said something. 'Those lips~ Now I remember how I fell for her the first time.' He thought and took another sip from his beer.

John sobered up pretty quickly and he could still feel the feeling of sadness tugging at his heart. He was glad that he had Lafayette so that he could talk with at least someone about his feelings right now. "Have you seen Herc? He doesn't sit in the lounge anymore." John asked the Frenchman and looked around.

Lafayette had already seen Hercules and Angelica dancing as he helped John to sober up. He brushed it off by thinking that they are just friends dancing with each other and nothing more. 'Hercules would never even consider a one night stand.' Lafayette knew that for a fact since the other man told him that.

Eliza had so much fun talking with Alexander. 'He really is an intellectual man~' She thought and smiled gracefully. 'I'm glad I got over Thomas.' Her fourth glass of wine was empty and she was starting to get shaky. Alcohol was never something she enjoyed but that night she just wanted to let loose and finally start living her life how she wanted it to be. The two of them conversed about lots of things until Alexander clearly was too drunk to form proper sentences. Eliza chuckled at the sight and helped Alexander up so she could bring him to the guest room until his friends wanted to leave.

Hercules saw how Eliza and Alexander disappeared into a room and he silently cheered for his friend to have a great night. He wasn't really thinking about what John might feel if he found out, he was having a great time with Angelica so far and he got her number.

Lafayette and John sat in the corner of the room and were talking about their love life. The Frenchman was getting encouraged by John and he decided that he waited long enough for this and went straight to the dance floor where Hercules and Angelica were.

John watched the scene from his seat and was glad that he could help his friend. He only drank water after he sobered up and looked around for Alexander but he couldn't see him anywhere. John took forth his phone and called Alexander. He waited and waited but Alex never answered.

Alexander didn't know what came over him but he knew it felt right. As he saw Eliza's silhouette when she lied him down onto the bed he couldn't hold himself back and pulled her on top of himself. Her brown hair fell down onto his chest and she looked at him with bright red cheeks. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this but the alcohol got the better of her and she smashed her lips onto his.

Lafayette approached Hercules and tapped him onto his shoulder. "Can you come with me for a second?" He asked and took Hercules' hand. Lafayette pulled Hercules after him as the other nodded. They ended up on the second floor where Lafayette simply turned around and gently pressed his lips onto Hercules'.

Hercules was shocked. He knew Lafayette wasn't drunk. 'What? Ehh?' He thought and didn't kiss back which Lafayette realized after a while. He felt Lafayette's lips leaving his own and saw the Frenchman looking up at him with a distressed look. "L-laf, I..." Hercules was still in shock and unsure how to feel about the kiss.

Lafayette just wanted to leave. 'He doesn't love me...' He slowly realized and backed away from Hercules with tears forming in his eyes. He felt a pair of arms around him and his heart stopped. 'Why is he hugging me?' He asked himself and tried to calm down and wiped away his tears.

John knew something was up because his friends took an awefully long time upstairs. He stood up and followed the two upstairs where he saw Hercules hugging Lafayette. John thought everything was okay until he saw Lafayette's red eyes.

Hercules pulled back a little from the hug and lifted Lafayette's chin so that he would look at him. "Laf, look I'm not sure how to feel about you. J-just give me some time alright?" As Lafayette nodded he bend down to the Frenchman and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He let go of him and walked back towards the stairs with him.

John saw how they were coming and he quickly ran downstairs where he sat back down into his chair from before. 'Oh god. Herc don't you dare break his heart!' He thought and took a sip from his water.

Alexander's hands were all over Eliza's body. He already took her dress off and his shirt went flying to the ground. Their kisses became messier and messier by the second and Alexander was finally on top of Eliza. Her breathing was speading up as Alexander rubbed her through her panties and she let out little moans now and then. Alexander was getting impatient with his huge bulge in his pants.

Lafayette came back to John with a weird look on his face. John was glad to see that the tears stopped and that Hercules was going to join them at the small lounge. "Has anyone seen Alexander? I wanted to ask him if he would dance with me." He fiddled with his thumbs and saw Hercules' face fall. "Have you seen him?" He asked and was worried that might something happend to him.

Hercules was hesitant. He could tell him what he saw and maybe break John's heart or he could lie and say that he just remembered something horrible. He chose the second option.

"Oh okay." John sighed and looked around the whole place from his seat, desperate to find Alexander but he was nowhere to be seen.

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