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John was now fully clothed and ready for the day of work. He still couldn't believe that he had a chance with Alex and smiled to himself as he walked into the living room where Alex was sitting. John took a bite out of an apple and said his goodbyes to Alex since his shift would begin soon. He ran down the street and finally arrived at the small coffee shop and said hello to his co workers.

Alex was still sitting in his chair and took a look at his watch. He nearly spit out his orange Juice when he saw what time it was. He should've been at work for an hour and today the head of their Company was going to visit. "Damn!" He sprang up and took his coat and rushed to his work.

'Where is he?' Thought Aaron with a distressed look on his face. George was showing his boss around and when they came to Aaron's and Alex's Office he frowned. "Where's Alexander?" He asked and smiled nervously at his boss. "I don't have the slightest Sir." Aaron responded and decided to continue his work as to not seem lazy. "Why is one of your employees missing George?" Asked the other man in the doorway. "Maybe he is late?" George said and ushered with him out of the room. Aaron took this opportunity to take out his phone and rang Alex. He didn't pick up so either he was on his way here or he really slept in.

Alex arrived at work with heavy breathing and let himself drop onto his chair. He looked over to Aaron who looked at him in disbelieve. "What?" He asked and strated up his Computer to start working. "You know that they were already here?" Aaron asked and Alex groaned loudly. "I hoped that they weren't." He mumbled and leaned back in his chair.

After two hours of work Alex heard a knock on the door of their office. "Come in." He said and George opened the door. "Oh, so you're here at last. Didn't it occur to you that we had an important person here today?" George said and sighed. "I knew that he would be here today but I couldn't really sleep yesterday since my roommates had a little fun and I just forgot the time." Aaron had stopped typing to listen to them. "You're really slacking off Alex. You aren't normally like that. Is something bothering you?" George asked in his Dad voice. "No everything's okay." Alex turned around and continued working. He heard the door close behind him and he took a chocolate bar out of his bag.

"Are you really okay?" Aaron asked and remembered that maybe John had something to do with Alex's behaviour. "No." He simply stated and munched on his chocolate. "Do you want to talk about it?" Aaron asked and Alex nodded slightly.

Eliza sat in a huge amount of pillows on her bed and talked into her phone. She was discussing with Peggy on how the bridemaids should dress. "Well I think purple would look nice." Peggy said on the other end. "Lilac Peggy, it has to be Lilac. It matches much more with the flowers we ordered." Eliza looked out of the window and saw Angelica approaching the front door. "Wait a minute." She told Peggy and ended the call.

Angelica and Eliza were walking outside and the cold breeze made them shiver. "Did we really have to go and buy their wedding present on the coldest day?" Eliza asked and pulled her scarf over her mouth. "Yeah, we do! The wedding's not so far away. What do we want to give to them anyway?" Angelica asked and Eliza started thinking. "What about a vacation? They always talked about going to Australia." Angelica's face lit up and she started dragging Eliza behind her.

"It's just... I know I should be happy with Eliza but-" Alex paused and played nervously with his fingers. "John always comes up in my mind instead of Eliza." He admitted. "I can't break her heart again Aaron! But John is just so... I don't know how to say it." Aaron looked at him and at the corner of his mouth tugged a smile. "Well I can't decide for you but maybe ask John how he feels? To see if this feeling is mutual."

Lafayette decided to visit Hercules at work after he finished his show for the day. He waved at him and walked towards him. "Hey Herc~" He smirked and hugged him tightly. "How was you day?" He asked and kissed Hercules' cheek. Hercules just hummed and put his head on Lafayette's chest. "You wanna go out tonight? I made a reservation at a restaurant for us." Hercules mumbled and played with Lafayette's curls. "Sure, why not? I'm excited." Lafayette smiled and kissed Hercules' head.

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