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     Eden rummaged through her dresser and closet as she frantically tried to pick out something to wear for the party that night. She clung onto the towel that covered her body as she shuffled clothes over messily. She knew lots of the girls would be dressing up as hippies or go-go girls which is something she tried to avoid. 

     "Mom!" Eden yelled when she realized she could help her pick. She heard Violet come up the stairs shortly afterwards and step into her room.

      "What?" Violet asked.

      "Who should I be for the party tonight?" Eden asked her back. 

      "Oh, so you got an invitation." Violet grinned with a sense of pride that her daughter was invited somewhere. I'm not that pathetic, am I? She took a seat on the end of Eden's bed before speaking again. 

     "Well what's it based around?"

     "Famous or normal people from the 60s, 70s or 80s. I can't remember." Eden spoke as she furrowed her eyebrows trying to remember what Buzz had said. 

     "I know just who you can be." Violet smiled as she got up. "Do you have a body suit?" She asked as she took Eden's place in sifting through her drawers. 

     "Yeah I think so." Eden mumbled as she walked over to her closet. She plucked out the black leotard and laid it out on her bed before taking a seat.  

     "Good." Violet said simply as she had a striped sweater thrown over her shoulder with opaque tights over top of it. Violet placed them on Eden's bed beside what she had already laid out. 

     "So who am I supposed to be?" Eden asked Violet because she didn't really answer her question. 

     "Edie Sedgwick." Violet replied as she placed her hands on her hips with a smile. Eden knew exactly who she was referring to because they both loved the movie Factory Girl

     "Is that supposed to be funny?" Eden asked as she tried to keep a straight face as she laughed. 

      "Well isn't it? It's ironic." She brushed strands of her hair out of her face before returning her hands to her hips.

      "Mum, I need an Andy Warhol by my side for people to get it." Eden wined as she fell back onto her bed. 

     "Oh give me a break... Edie might have been dependent but that was because Warhol screwed her over." Violet rolled her eyes before leaving the room, "I want to see the final product when you're done! Plus, I think I have a hat that looks like hers in my closet." Her mum yelled from down the hall. Eden heard light switches turn on and the wooden floors creak as her mum moved around the house. Eden sat up again and started getting ready: first slipping into the tights, then the leotard and finally placing the sweater over her head. Her mum raced back into the room with a hat in her hand.

      "Just tuck your hair back behind your ears and then do your makeup like her and you're set. How long until everyone swings by?" Violet asked as she handed the hat over to Eden. 

      "Maybe twenty minutes?" Eden guessed as she stepped over to her mirror and placed the hat down on her head. "This looks ridiculous..." She mumbled before deciding that she really didn't have any time to change the plan. 

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