Chapter 15

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As I went deeper and deeper into the school, it got foggier and fogger up until the point I couldn't see. I kept wondering why this isn't affecting me. Then I had a theory. Maybe because, since this thing gives you nightmares, I'm already living the nightmare. Me being Ladybug is my nightmare. I'm so scared of letting people down that it has become my greatest fear.
Not finding anything, I made my way back to Cat Noir. I checked her pulse and it was almost not detectable. I had to wake her up. But how? I used my luck charm and it gave me a spray bottle. I sprayed her a couple times and she was startled awake.
"It's ok. You're fine. You're with me now." I said in a calming voice. I only had 2 spots left and I needed to go before I change back human.
"I need to bug out. I'll be back though."
"O-ok." I couldn't leave her. 1 spot left. I took her hand and dragged her out of there. Once we were out of the building, I scramed.


I ran back home and changed back. Plagg came shooting out the ring and laid on my pillow. I was still shaken up from the nightmare.
"(Y/n) you have a visitor. His name is Adrian Agreste." My dad said from behind my door.
"Can bring him up?"
"Sure thing." Soon the blonde came up to my room and shut the door behind him. I gave him a hug and held him tight. He was startled and didn't know if he should hug me back or not. He did.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Will you promise me something?" I said ignoring his question.
"Promise to protect me? Make sure I don't get hurt emotionally or physically?" The same question I asked him months ago.
"I promise. It's funny. I feel like we've known each other for years and yet we just met."
We went out to the park and talked and played like kids. We even went back up my favorite tree. We faced the sunset as I laid my head on his shoulder feeling tired. Adrian placed his hand on mine and smiled.
"I missed you, Adrian." I said sleepily. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
"Missed me?" I could tell that he was confused at my choice of words, but I didn't care. I was already asleep.  

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