Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Raven's POV

I had been waiting in my office, doing extensive research on Lucifer. Believe it or not, Lucifer was all over online. Not just the mythical satanic figure, but also the man I had gotten to know these last 24 hours.

He was apparently quite the player and he had many connections all over the L.A. community. People were making posts all over Twitter about him, talking about him on blogs and what not.

I just found it rather odd that he believed himself to truly be the Devil. And from what I could tell, he was enjoying the idea of being the villified ex-angel.

Damn, I hated to even think about religion. I found it to be ridiculous and pointless altogether. Religion was a foolish idea created by men who wanted to maintain control over the inferior.

I then felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to see a text from Chloe. She had figured out that Jimmy Barnes, the victim's ex fiancée, hired the gun man. Sending me pictures of him wearing a gold Rolex on the red carpet with Delilah. She asked me if I could confirm her suspicions.

Without a second thought, I retrieved the gunman's personal belongings. I rooted through the bloodsoaked clothing and found the Rolex we discovered on the body. I turned it to see and engraving on the inside.

To Jimmy,
Love, Delilah

I then put the watch down and snapped a quick picture, sending it to Chloe. This was the evidence we needed to convict him. I quickly removed my lab coat and donned my jacket before heading out the door, texting Chloe for directions.

There was no way I'd let her go anywhere that could be dangerous without me to make sure she'd be safe.

Lucifer POV

He shot her. Jimmy shot the detective. Oh, Dr. Poe wasn't going to like this. Though, neither did I. I rather liked the detective's spunk. I found it admirable somehow.

Here I was hanging over her, looking at her wounds. She was clearly in pain.

"Chloe!," I looked up to see the cry of horror belonged to Raven.

The doctor rushed over to her dear friend, examining Chloe's wound to assess the damage.

"You take care of Barnes. I've got her," Raven ordered with a determined glint in her eyes,"Give him hell for this."

Raven's POV

I quickly slid back Chloe's jacket and well as her shirt. The bullet was still lodged in there. I would gave to remove it before it could cause a blood clot. If the bullet stayed there for the five to ten minutes it'd take for the ambulance to get here, she'd die without a doubt.

I turned to see Lucifer walking towards Jimmy, bullets bouncing off of him as they were fired at his chest. Lucifer then slammed Jimmy's head into the glass beside them. I looked back down at Chloe, not truly caring about anything but her.

"Clo? Clo, you gotta keep your eyes open," I gently slapped her cheek in an attempt to keep her conscious.

She was still dozing off slowly. Slipping away. No. I wasn't going to risk losing her. Not Chloe.

Though I hated the thought of what I did next, I told myself I had no choice. I gently pressed on the wound, causing her eyes to widen as she grunted in pain. Lucifer walked over, having rendered Jimmy unconscious from that blow to his head.

"What can I do?," he asked calmly.

"Give me your belt and jacket," I said while only giving him a glance.

He removed them quickly, holding them up as if to ask what to do next.

"Place the belt in her mouth and make sure she bites down on it hard. I'll need the jacket for after I remove the bullet to maintain pressure on the wound," I stated as I removed my swiss army knife from my pocket. I flipped out the blade and looked to him again.

"Use the flashlight feature on your phone and hold it above the wound," he nodded and followed my instructions without argument.

I then made a big enough incision to be able to get a good chance at removing the piece of metal. I then switched out the blade for the little needle nose pliers feature. I could see a glint of the metal, so I went for it. I could here Chloe's muffled cries as I did so. Luckily, it didn't take long to get it out.

I grabbed Lucifer's jacket and pressed it to the wound,"Call an ambulance. Tell them we have a shooting and the bullet was removed successfully without any fragmentations left in the wound."

"Yes, I'll be sure to sound like a bloody genius on the phone," he rolled his eyes and made the call.

(Later at the hospital)

I had finally finished with the incessant questions and examinations to make sure I was not harmed. Chloe had finally woken up at this point and Trixie was headed into her room. I watched as my goddaughter wrapped her small arms around the man who had protected my best friend.

After a moment, Lucifer stepped out, smiling at me. And I actually decided to return the gesture. Now that the case was over, I could be a little more human than I usually was.

"So, is it okay for me to call you Raven or Ray right now?," he chuckled.

"Only if I get to call you a nickname," I countered.

He seemed puzzled for moment before grinning with curiosity,"Could you tell me what you had in mind, Ray?"

"Lu. I think it's short and cute. And definitely better than referring to you as a mythogical being, formulated to strike fear of disobedience into the hearts of religious freaks."

"Is that honestly what you think, my dear?"

"If God and all his angels really existed, then the world wouldn't be so dark and twisted. I've seen what people do. I've examined the bones of child soldiers who were slaughtered in Uganda for refusing to kill upon command. Now tell me. Why would God let that happen if he supposedly cares about his creations all individually, according to the beliefs made up in religion? It makes no sense to me."

"Well, I think you are totally right about that pretentious prick. Why don't you and I go enjoy this little victory of ours back at my place?," Lucifer grinned wickedly.

I pondered a moment. I thought it'd be good to unwind. I shrugged and smirked,"Sounds good to me. Lead the way, you horned fiend."

"No horns here, dear Raven. Although, I can show you a different attachment."

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