Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: I Love Satan

Raven POV

I stared at my boyfriend in complete awe, while still trying to process everything that I was looking at. Lucifer's face had changed right before my eyes, which I would have thought was a hallucination, but I knew I wasn't mentally ill. I was staring into completely red eyes and a face that only a mother could love. Yet, I could see how he gazed at me in his vulnerable state. He was still so scared and just wanted to know that I still loved him.

Did I still love him?

What a kind of a stupid and irrational thought is that? Of course I loved him. I was simply just reevaluating all my previous beliefs and trying to find some sort of scientific explanation. Could he be a mutant like the people in X-Men? Or was he exactly what he had been claiming to be all along?

"Raven.....please say something," his sweet and silken voice flowed out from between his red lips.

I continued to look at him, even approaching where he stood by a few feet,"Can....can I touch it?"

His eyes widened, but he gave me a slow nod in response to my request. So, I lifted a shaking hand to his cheek. It was real. This was real and I was in love with Satan. Holy shit.....I loved Satan. This is gonna end up being some serious Rosemary's Baby type shit.

"So...this is the real you," I stated softly.

He gave me a small chuckle that paired up with his signature smirk,"I know it's hideous, but I promise you won't have to look at it ever again."

"Lucifer, I don't want you to hide from me. You've already done enough hiding to last you for all eternity. You have a face only a mother could love....but I love you for more than that. Lu, for years I've just been going through life just feeling empty and without a purpose. Then I met you, soon everything changed. You have brought so much good into my made me feel alive again. You brought me together with Anna and you've made me happier than I've ever been. I think that if you can do all that for me, then I should be able to deal with the fact that you really are the Devil. And I love you for so much more than just being the Prince of Darkness, I see through that and love you just for being Lucifer. Nothing else. This doesn't change anything between us really.....I love you. And I've never said that to anyone else before. I don't even remember saying it to my parents as a kid. You have changed me for the better."

Every word that came out of my mouth just felt so effortless, so real and purely truthful. I meant everything I said to him and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew it to. I never saw him smile so brightly in all the time I knew him.

In that moment, he kissed me with more passion and love than he ever had. And when he pulled away, I was face to face with the man I fell for. He wasn't the Devil, he was just Lucifer and nothing else.

"You know, I think this whole exclusive shagging thing really worked out splendidly, my little Raven," he grinned widely. Lucifer was back to his old self and definitely already comfortable with the situation. He was enjoying it way too much for his own good.

I rolled my eyes,"I am starting to think this relationship does a lot more good to you than it does for me."

"Actually, I'd like to think it's a pretty even level of benefit, my dear. Allow me to list a few mutual benefits we share in all this: we get to be with someone we love and trust, we make each other overwhelmingly happy, and the sex is phenomenal," Lucifer slowly leaned in closer to me and slipped his arm around my waist.

"Yes, you're right about all that. Sadly for you, I have to go home and get some work done. That means no sleepover or sex tonight. However, I'll stop by tomorrow morning and we can go to breakfast. How does that sound?"

Lucifer leaned down and pecked my lips ever so gently,"It sounds wonderful, my dear. But I will only release you if you say we can have some fun before we go to the restaurant."

"It's a deal," I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek,"I love you, Lu."

Lucifer bid me an unhappy farewell for the evening, though I could see he was bubbly with joy beneath the surface. His happy face was all I could think about as I walked to my car.

Though, just as I pulled out my keys, someone grabbed me from behind. A cloth was held over my mouth and nose as I struggled, trying to kick and scream my way free as the man held my arms firmly against my chest. I began to notice a scent on the cloth, given the haziness I was beginning to feel in my head it lead me to only conclusion as my vision completely faded to black.


(Author's Note: I know it's so suspenseful!!! I kinda figured I should go with a cliffhanger and torment you all more since I haven't posted in forever. Sorry though, I have been busy with summer classes and work problems. I just got a new job working retail because I couldn't stand working where I was before. I was absolutely miserable, exhausted, stressed out, and treated horribly there. I am much happier now and things have been so much better since I quit. Thank for your patience and I hope you liked the chapter.
Be sure to send me comments or direct messages if you have any thoughts on what you guys would like to see in the future of this story. Even small little scenes or exchanges you want me to include along the way. I really want to make this story as enjoyable and fun to read as humanly possible. But I can only do that better by having you guys telling me your ideas and hopes for the future of the characters.

Anyways, have a great one guys!!! Thanks for the loyalty and support and especially helping the book reach 38K reads!!!! Love ya, my lil squishies!!!)

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