Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Raven POV

I immediately headed home after filing my final report on the victim's autopsy. I honestly looked forward to the dinner with Lucifer. I spent a good two hours to get myself ready. And that was before I even chose my outfit. It was hard to decide what sort of clothes to where at a place that wasn't a crime scene.

I had decided upon a red flannel with black skinny jeans and high heels. I threw my clothes on before finishing my hair and make up, thinking about what the night would hold.

Would Lucifer make things romantic out of jealousy? Would I actually end up enjoying an actual date with Lucifer? Would I regret even sleeping with him?

I didn't want to regret any of it. I just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Hopefully, Lucifer felt the same way. But the feelings of doubt still remained. I knew they would remain for a long time, which that wasn't in my complete control. The feeling of fear was overwhelming.

So as I approached Lux, I made my way inside with my identification badge from work. If people see your face on an LAPD badge with the word 'doctor' on it,  you can get in basically any club in L.A. Although, it could have also been the fact I possessed amazing facial bone structure.

Anyways, I waited at the bar for a good hour and a half without a sign of the man. The son of a bitch had ditched me.

In my rage, I turned to walk towards the door only to meet the gaze of Lucifer.

"Leaving so soon, my dear?," he inquired with a teasing grin.

I just stared at him for a few moments before responding,"I thought you ditched me."

This simply made him chuckle as he gestured to the barkeeper to pour him a drink,"You know, you should have a little more faith in me. I got held up with the case, which I sincerely apologize for, Raven."

"It's okay. Sorry that I was about to walk out. I just don't like being stood up because it is highly illogical for one to do so when I am such a satisfactory female specimen," I explain in a flat, yet rational monotone.

"Raven, you're not working right now. You don't need to keep talking like that," he added as the barkeeper handed him his scotch.

"Like what?," I asked in a rather clueless manner while tilting my head the slightest bit.

"Like an emotionless robot that only thinks rationally. You can't live life in such a way, Raven. As charming as your act is, I would like to get to know the real Raven. So why don't you bring her out to play?"

I stood there with my mouth agape, trying to think of how to respond to such a statement. It took me all of three minutes to decide upon what to say.

"Lucifer, the old me was spontaneous and goofy. She never imagined she would end up examining dead people for a living. She wanted nothing more than to be adventurous and see the world," I averted my eyes from his gaze with a sigh,"But that girl has been gone for far too long. There is no way that she is ever coming back because her life was too damaged for any hope of repair. I'm just not the same and I never will be."

Lucifer's eyes showed how he was at a loss for words. He clearly didn't like the thought of the subject anymore. Moments later, he chuckled before taking a swig of his scotch.

Needless to say, I was surprised by this. I gave him a quizzical look as he began to speak again.

"Raven, you are still that girl. Different? Yes, you've obviously changed, but you're definitely still full of surprises. And I do believe that when we first met, you told me about your anthropological work in Brazil and Japan. So you are still adventurous because you have seen the world. You don't give yourself enough credit, my dear."

Without anything else to say, I did the one thing that made sense in that very moment. I kissed him.

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