Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Raven POV

Lucifer and I had fallen asleep on the couch after rewatching the first Die Hard movie again. I had fallen asleep on his chest just after the smoking scene between Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. It was a wonderful night, which I found odd considering how we didn't have sex on the couch.

We simply sat together and quoted the movie while under a fuzzy blanket. I smiled at the thought of laying on his chest, listening to his heart beat beneath his warm skin. Lucifer was oddly comforting to be with.

"Raven, darling, do you want chocolate chips in your crêpes or not?," Lucifer asked as he walked over to me from the kitchen.

I stretched and nodded,"That would be lovely, Lu."

I leaned up to kiss him gently on the lips with a smile as his arms wrapped around my waist. He leaned his forehead against my own and wore a smile of his own after the kiss ended. I noticed a sort of sparkle in his eyes as he gazed into my dark brown orbs. His eyes scanned my face as if he were memorizing every detail there was.

"You are bloody gorgeous, you know that?," he commented softly before placing a kiss on my nose.

"Yes, I am extremely aware of my facial structure, Lucifer. Although, I don't understand why you constantly point out the obvious," I responded in my usual monotone. I was attempting to be playful and joke around with him, which clearly failed.

He rolled his eyes as he chuckled,"You're a pain in the arse too. Always down grading my words of affection to your precious little facts. Normally, people say thank you or give the other person a compliment."

"I fail to understand the point of that social ritual. Is it truly necessary?"

"No, but it's common courtesy. Sort of like saying thank you to a man who holds the door open for a lovely woman such as yourself," he explained as he pulled me into his lap.

My brow furrowed at this,"But I know how to open doors for myself. Is it intended to be a sexist action?"

He huffed out of exhaustion from trying to explain it,"For a genius, you're bloody clueless, my dear."

I wrapped my arms around his neck,"I am simply trying to find the logic behind what is deemed normal human behavior. And so far, I have failed to discover it. This argument is one you will lose because I have an IQ of 160."

"Alright, Raven. I will let you win this one, but only if you promise to attend a public function with me. An old friend requested that I attend her art show tonight. She's quite talented and I think you two would get on quite well."

"Was she a sexual partner?," I asked plainly as I stood up to retrieve the disc from the DVD player.

"Not at all. She just started college and I met her when she was still in high school. Very sweet girl. Her name is Annabelle Allan. So will you go with me or not?," he inquired as he waltzed over to me. He smirked and hugged me from behind as he rested his chin on my head,"Because I would be rather bored without my sexy doctor to help me get through the night. Plus I would love to see you in a tight fitting dress to show off those spectacular legs of yours."

I pondered a moment as I leaned back into his arms,"I suppose it would be fun to indulge myself in some culture. I have always admired the skill it requires to do such things."

"Perfect. And maybe later we can take the party to my flat and ravage each other in every room," he grinned as he leaned down and kissed my neck.

"Darling, last time we tried that I tired you out after round six. You need to work on your stamina before that happens again."

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