Chapter Ten

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(A/N: Thanks everyone for reading and making my most popular story when I thought this would get only a few hundred views. Thanks and I appreciate any ideas or requests on what you wanna see in the story.)
(Above is Elsie's apartment.)
Raven POV

Lucifer and Chloe had gone to catch the killer, which happened to be Ty's agent. So I headed to my apartment to catch up on some reading. I had been sitting on my couch with my favorite book in hand, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That was probably the twentieth time I had read the last five years.

I knew it was strange that an analytical mind like mine enjoyed a series that was based on fantasy. I did wish that magic was real at times, it would be a fascinating subject to study in depth. Unfortunately, that was not a remote possibility.

The sound of someone knocking on the front door caught my attention. I closed my book after memorizing the page number before heading to answer it. When I opened it, I was greeted with Lucifer's charming smile. And sure enough, he had another dozen roses in his one hand and what looked like a bag of groceries in the other.

"Sorry that took so long, darling," he said sweetly before stepping inside,"Don't worry, I plan on making everything up to you tonight."

I shut the door and locked it before following him into the kitchen,"What's with the groceries, Lu? Making me a romantic dinner?"

He smirked before replying in his silky voice,"That's exactly what I'm going to do, my darling Raven."

I couldn't help but smile at this notion. No man ever made me dinner. Walsh surely wouldn't. His house was littered with crappy Chinese take out menus. He didn't really appreciate food like I did. Walsh did make attempts to take our exchange to a more emotional level, but I didn't feel attracted to him in that way.

Lucifer, on the other hand, was perfect. He could sing and play the piano. He was well-rounded and highly educated. Lucifer even spoke multiple languages like I did. Lucifer also appreciated different cultures and sexual preferences. He laughed at my jokes and even made me laugh sometimes. He seemed to understand me better than any man ever had. There was only one problem with our relationship.

I wasn't sure if it even was a relationship. I had no idea whether or not we were dating for a long term outcome. And as I had made it clear, I hate not knowing things. There was no way I'd let this slide.

"Lucifer, before you start that up," I began as he put the flowers in a vase,"I wanted to talk to you about what is occurring between us."

"Well go ahead, darling," he acknowledged  as he turned to face me.

"I feel like we haven't defined our relationship thoroughly enough for me to be comfortable moving forward. We've been sexually active and that has been extremely satisfactory for the both of us, I'm sure of that. I just believe that confirming what our status is would be highly beneficial for both parties on multiple levels," I stated in an educated manner. I was sure I sounded like a scientist.

He stood there with his brow furrowed and his mouth slightly agape, unsure of how to respond to my statement. He took a breath before speaking once more,"Raven, I haven't got a single idea what the bloody hell you mean by that. It sounds like a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo."

"No, it is a well thought out analysis of our current situation. Are we merely sexually attracted to one another?," I started with moving my hands as I spoke. A rather nasty habit of mine.

I then continued after Lucifer stared at me with a clearly confuzzled expression,"Or is it something more? Do you believe that what you feel is real? I know you said you cared about me deeply, but it could be the hormones that your brain is circulating through your body. Making you confuse sexual attraction for the emotional. I simply don't want to make the mistake of falling for you when your feelings could be biologically compromised. I believe a firm definitive status of our relationship would surely show us what your feelings could be."

Lucifer looked down at the marble countertop that he leaned on for several moments, which caused my heart rate to increase with fear of the worst. Fear that my feelings were not even remotely reciprocated.

"Forgive me darling, but I thought it was fairly clear that you were my girlfriend. My rather spectacular girlfriend who doesn't believe in sexual monogamy, even though I wouldn't mind it. Perhaps we could just keep it between the two of us. I do hate it when other boys get to enjoy what is rightfully mine. Besides, you definitely keep me satisfied."

I froze for a moment, not believing what he just said. It took me awhile to process it, but I could feel my chest flutter. I was overjoyed by Lucifer's answer. He was the only man I could see myself with at the time. So, I smiled before nodding in agreement,"I can live with that."

"I can too. So, it is official now. You're mine and I'm yours. Now let's get our meal started. I brought a movie over for us to watch," he grinned as he held up the Die Hard DVD.

I chuckled,"Already have every single one on blu-ray, Lu."

His face lit up even more at that,"It's like I made you in a bloody computer!"

((No idea why, but when I first looked at this in my library it stopped after the first few paragraphs.))

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