Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Quoth the Raven

Lucifer POV

Where was she? It was nearly eleven, two hours after she would usually arrive. Raven is always ready for breakfast by at least nine and she was never late to absolutely anything. And if there was a case, I would have gotten a call from the detective by now. Something was wrong.

Had I scared her away by showing her the truth? No, she wouldn't have lied to me about anything, especially about loving me. She wasn't even a good liar to begin with, she was by far the most brutally honest woman I'd ever met. Hell! She was even more brutally honest than Maze ever was and it was one of the many reasons I adored Raven.

I stood from my piano bench and dialed her phone once again, yet I was sent to voicemail once again, "Love, where are you? I'm getting worried. I'm going to fetch the detective to hunt you down, along with the entire police department, if you don't call me back in the twenty minutes it takes me to get to the station. And I pray to.....well my dear old dad, that you'll be there waiting for me.....I love you."

Raven POV

The moment I opened my eyes, my vision was still fuzzy and I was tied to a cushioned chair. Everything in front of me looked just like one of those blurry pictures you get when the camera moves around too fast, every single color I was able to discern helped me start to piece together an idea of what the scene was before me.

As my vision began to come back into focus, a large figure sat in what I assumed was a chair positioned in front of me. When my eyes finally began to see clearly, I was dumbfounded by who I saw sitting before me.

"Jackson, what is all this? Have you absolutely lost your mind?," I asked in a weak and raspy voice.

Yes, my colleague and ex-lover, Dr. Jackson Walsh, had drugged and kidnapped me. And I hadn't the faintest idea why on earth he would do something so illogical and impulsive.

Jackson chuckled softly,"Actually, Raven, I'm just as sane as I've ever been. Though, it would seem you've been rather foolish and shacked up with that Lucifer Morningstar. I have been racking my brain for the past few months, trying to figure out what it is you see in that idiot. He's an inferior specimen and clearly not intellectually stimulating or challenging enough for a woman like you. So, why have you chosen him as your partner instead of me?"

As he spoke, I spent the entire time analyzing my surroundings, noticing that there was a set of wooden steps leading up to a door. The walls were covered with wall paper that was falling apart, revealing the crumbling red brick beneath it and old tan shaggy carpet to compliment it. There was some old furniture sitting in the far back corner and make shift sleeping area, which consisted of an old box spring mattress with seemingly decent bedsheets that had clearly been recently cleaned, it would have been a decent and inviting spot for a guest to crash in for the night. Unfortunately, the chains that rest on the bed took away from the charm, each chain link leading to a place bolted into the wall.

I had finished my analysis of the basement just at the tail end of Jackson's psycho stalker speech. And his words were just as underwhelming and pathetic as the room we were sitting in.

I chuckled a bit and shot him a crooked little smirk,"Because what girl can resist the Devil himself?"

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