Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Raven POV

"Is she okay, Lucifer?," Annabelle looked at me with concern.

"I'm not quite sure, Anna," Lucifer moved in front of me so his eyes met mine,"Raven, what's wrong? You look sickeningly pale. Like you've seen a bloody ghost."

It took a few moments for me to be able to even push out a single word,"I..I...I-,"I kept repeating in my state of pure shock.

I felt ill in this moment as the realization of an undeniable truth flooded over me. I couldn't ignore the evidence. I promised myself I'd always base my observations off of facts. And the fact is, this girl looked like my parents. And that could only leave one explanation.

This girl was my sister.

She looked exactly like my parents. She was around the proper age to have been born about a year after they disappeared. Her voice had the same trill my mother's did. And her eyes were the ones I would look to for comfort whenever I was scared of anything at all.

Lucifer looked at Annabelle and asked her to give us a moment alone, which she complied with. He turned back to face me and inched closer, placing her hands on my arms,"Darling, what's wrong?"

"T-that girl. She....she looks like them. Exactly like them," was all I could manage to say.

"Looks like who, Raven?," his eyes examined my face as if searching for the answer.

I took a deep breath before being able to say those two words that felt like a dagger to my chest,"My parents."

His eyes widened with surprise,"What?"

I looked at him at I began to compose myself,"Her facial structure and her eyes. It's all them. She looks like my father. And she has our mother's mandible, I mean jaw. It's so clear to see. That girl has to sister."

"Raven, don't you think you could be wrong?"

"Lucifer, I'm never wrong. I'm the best in my field. I know how to identify relatives from just the structure of a skull. So when I say this girl is my sister, I'm right," I say as I watch Annabelle greet her guests.

He glanced back at Annabelle,"She did say she was adopted. And if your streak of being always right is true, then I suggest we tell her."

My eyes went wide and I shook my head,"That is a horrible idea. Especially, given the circumstances."

"Raven, this girl lost her parents rather recently," he added with a sigh.

"How would you know that?," I asked as we began to walk around the gallery.

He looked down at the ground,"She asked me to help her track down her biological parents. She has no other family and she just wants to find someone she can connect to. I think that knowing she has an amazing person like you for a sister would make me her feel less alone."

I paused and looked at my boyfriend. He was so sincere in this moment and I could tell he cared about this girl. I had to admit, it warmed my heart to know that the man I had such strong feelings for cared about people as much as I did.

I thought about his words thoroughly as we silently walked around the room. Until I abruptly said,"Fine. I'll tell her. But what are we going to tell her?"

His face lit up when he heard this and he sipped his drink with a smirk,"I don't know. You're the genius. You can surely figure that one out with that sexy brain of yours."

"Well," I pondered for several moments. I came up with several scenarios and options before picking the most logical one,"Did you get a sample of her blood? For when you found the parents to run a DNA test?"

"Yes, but I never found a match. Where are you going with this exactly, darling?"

"My parents blood samples are on record at the precinct. The LAPD performed the investigation. You could say you had me run her results through the computer, since I'm you're significant other and I have the resources. And we discovered that the sample was a match for my mother's blood. That seems like the most logical way to go about it."

Suddenly, his lips crashed to mine and his arms snaked around my waist. I stood there frozen as I kissed him back for the few moments the kiss lasted. He pulled away eventually and whispered a 'thank you' before taking my hand to lead me towards Annabelle.

Believe it or not, I was kind of happy at the idea of having a sister. I mean, Chloe and I were close like sisters, but it wasn't the same. It somehow felt different. Just knowing that you have someone with same blood in their veins as yours was reassuring.

Once we reached Annabelle, my fears subsided and a smile stretched across my lips.

She looked at me smiling,"Hey. You feeling better now?"

I looked at Lucifer with my eyes just telling him I was ready for him to do it. I wanted this.

He nodded and shifted to face Annabelle,"Anna, I found out who your parents are."

Her face shined at those words with pure and unbridled joy,"Really? Did you bring them here?"

He wavered a moment,"Not exactly. Raven works for the LAPD in the forensics department. I had her run your blood sample through the computer to see if we would find a match from past cases or suspects. And we did. There was a home invasion nineteen years ago.....The blood at the crime scene was your mothers."

When I noticed her pained eyes fill up with tears, how could I not step in? I took a breath and looked at her,"It was probably around the time you were conceived. Your parents must have fled the area for some unknown reason. When they left, they abandoned their fifteen year old daughter."

She processed it for moment before asking,"I have a sister?"

I squeezed Lucifer's hand for encouragement,"Yes. And to my surprise, you and I share the same parents....I'm the daughter that they left behind. And I have a feeling the had to leave us for our safety. That must have been why they gave you up and why they never came home."

Annabelle stood there with a dumbfounded expression as she thought about what I just said. Soon enough, she smiled and quickly embraced me.

I released Lucifer's hand and stiffened for a second before hugging the young girl back. And something about being with her made that void I had lived with for nearly two decades feel filled.

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