Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: No More Secrets

Raven POV

It had only been a month since I had met Annabelle. I still felt astounded by the entire ordeal. Chloe urged me to spend more time with my sister, which left me torn for a few days until I began to meet Annie for lunch nearly every day each week. Truth be told, it was really nice having a baby sister. And it was even betterl having a supportive boyfriend made the whole change in my life so much easier.

Annie and I were at the bar of Lux one night, ordering some cocktails awhile Lucifer played the piano. He never ceased to amaze me and when he played, my heart fluttered uncontrollably. The way he focused on creating such a perfect melody was nothing short of impressive. I couldn't explain why only thinking about him made me so unbelievably happy, but I was glad that I felt such wonderful emotion. Lucifer was already my everything in such a short period of time.

Yet, I would never admit to feeling anything. Everything we needed to know about our relationship was shown through our actions. Through a kiss or just sitting in an embrace while watching Stranger Things. We made time for one another in between cases. Though, one of the most recent murders left him with a bullet in his leg. Now, this was weeks ago and Lucifer had just returned home from sleeping with Doctor Martin. I was still sleeping with Dr. Walsh, who was effectively keeping his emotions detached from our sexual activity.

Lucifer didn't like the man one bit, but I never saw any reason to be alarmed. Somehow, he said time and time again that he had a bad feeling that my colleague was up to no good. So, this convinced me that it would probably be in the best interest of my relationship to cease all sexual activity with Walsh. I planned to explain it to him at the next crime scene, so I believed it would not be a problem.

However, as I explained my feelings on the matter to Walsh the next day, he seemed to have a drastic shift in his normally calm demeanor. He seemed on edge the entire time he collected evidence at the current crime scene. I knew that ending things with him would come back to bite me in the ass later, but I was sure it would be tolerable. We were in a warehouse, where a security guard had been shot and killed instantly. The security cameras were wiped clean and the only lead Chloe had said it would be best if Lucifer told me himself.

Though later that day, Lucifer revealed to me that the storage unit that was stolen, belonged to him. And when I asked what he used it for, he ignored me and insisted on it being too personal to share with me. He just went and followed another lead with Chloe, leaving almost immediately to avoid telling me. I honestly felt a little hurt that Lucifer would keep something from me and blatantly lie to me about how truly important it was to him.

I tried to not let it bother me, but when Lucifer went to follow a lead without Chloe, I became beyond furious. Chloe and I figured out Lucifer's plan far too late, just as we got to the roof of the warehouse the killer escaped to, the suspect jumped off the roof of the building to get away from my boyfriend.

For the first time in our short relationship, I felt a little scared of Lucifer. He kept so much from me and I had opened up to him about everything, which was something I never did with anyone. Why couldn't he just be honest with me and open up?

That's what brought me to this moment, I was sitting in Lucifer's living room while he poured himself a glass of whiskey. He hadn't spoken a word during the entire car ride home.

"Lu, are you done with all this being dead silent bullshit? I'm starting to get really pissed off and you know it takes a lot to get me upset. Can you please just tell me what was really in that storage unit? I know for fact that you hate dolls, you said that when we went to the museum last week. Any form of dolls creep you out. Why would you ever own even one? I just don't get it, Lu."

He just looked up at me with hesitant eyes, almost as if he was a afraid to be honest with me. After he downed his drink, he sighed, "I'm not sure I should tell you, love. You'll think I'm mad and if I proved it to be'd just run away and I'd never see you again. And I'm not prepared to lose you just yet, I want to spend the rest of your life by your side. I can't do that if I show you the real me....It's so ugly, Raven. You'll hate me and I never want you to hate me. I can take it if the rest of the world hates me, but only if you still cared for me."

I stood up and walked over to him, looking up into his fearful eyes. I could see how the thought of losing me truly terrified him and I understood why he felt that way. I couldn't stand to lose him either.

I took a deep breath and grasped his hand in my own,"Lucifer Morningstar, I could never hate you.  I am not the type of girl who is open about her feelings, but I can confidently say that I love you. I have never loved anyone before you and I know I'll never love another after you because I hope that finding another love will never be a necessity. I just want you, but I need you to be honest with me. No more secrets and no more hiding. I've shown you the real me, now it's your turn."

Lucifer said nothing as he leaned down and kissed my lips gently,"I love you too, Raven. And please remember that for what I'm about to show you."

In a single moment, everything changed. I stared at Lucifer with wide eyes, completely frozen in shock as my mind tried to rationalize what I was seeing. No matter how hard my brain worked, I still couldn't comprehend it, but the evidence was too much to argue with.

I was face to face with the Devil himself.

GUESS WHO'S  BACK BITCHES!!! I'M READY TO MAKE THIS STORY MY BITCH AND FUCKING WORK ON IT AGAIN! .....Thanks so much for your patience and bringing this story to 30K because that's truly amazing. Knowing people like my writing really makes me feel special and brings a smile to my face. I'm legitimately proud to say I write awesome fanfiction for my super amazing fandom family. Love you guys so much and I look forward to bringing this book back to life.


(I notice I left part of the rough draft of the chapter still in the beginning so I fixed it. Please let me know if there is anything else in this chapter that requires a quick edit.)

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