How we met

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HI my name Destiny, I'm 18 years old. I'm mixed with Brazilian, Germany, black and Mexican. I'm very curvy, but I keep it classy never trashy.Yes I have swagg I'm that chick who can fight though. I love basketball foreal though. I live in LA and yes I can sing and dance like a pro. But i dont let that get to my head. Well anyways this is me enjoy.


I woke up and got in the shower doing my normal hygiene routine . When I got out I went to my closet and picked out something comfortable to wear since I'm going to the basketball court with my best friend Desiree. I was wearing black spandex, green tank top, and gray and green Jordan's. I went back into my room and packed my bag with water, towels and stuff then grabbed my basketball and car keys then went out the door.

I know your thinking "what about my parents" well ya my parents are never home on the morning weekends idk why it's all bull shit. Anyways on my way to the basketball court I texted Desiree

~Text conversation~

Destiny: Hey what time you gone be at dah court

Desiree: umm about 5 mins

Destiny: ok we should arrive at the same time

Desiree: ight see you then

Destiny: ight

~ text convo over~

I pulled up at the court and I saw Desiree's black Cadillac pull up

Destiny-Hey girl

Desiree-hey bitch

Destiny-bad choice of words I see

Desiree- Yes. *looking over at the court* Who are those guys?

Destiny- Idk

Desiree-I've seen them somewhere

Destiny-I'm sure you have *sarcastically*

Me and Desiree walked towards the court talking about who was gonna win one on one between us, and I couldn't help but to look out the corner of my eye to see all of those boys staring at us. FREAKY. We used the other half of the court and started our game. I made every shot I went for which made me win of course.

Destiny(me)- I WIN!!!

Desiree- no fair you cheated

Destiny- that's called winning boo

.?.?.- Can we play

I turned around and those same four guys were walking towards us. We're they watching us the whole time.????

Desiree- sure

.?.?.- What's y'all's names

Destiny- I'm Destiny and this is Desiree

.?.?.- beautiful names I'm Prince this is roc, Ray and prod

Destiny& Desiree- hello

Roc- so what about that round

Destiny- gimme your two best players

That Prince and Roc boys came up towards us. They look ok but are they good.

Destiny-Ok who wanna get the ball first

Prince-ladies first

Destiny-your quite the gentleman

Prince- thank you

Desiree- Wait are we going first cause we are girls *crossing arms*

Roc- noooo

Destiny- I'll have you know that we are some boss players we play hard.

Prince-sure girls are girls they can't play like men

Destiny-*getting in prince's face* oh we'll see about that

We started up and top with the girls going first. They think we slow but really we some bad ass mf on the cool. On one okay Desiree had passed me the ball and I had bumped Prince out the way with my ass making him fall on the ground making me do a good lay up. Me and Desiree played as a good team.

At the end, me and Desiree ended up winning the basketball game.

Destiny-*high fiving Desiree* that's how you play basketball

Roc- I give in they can play they some bad asses

Destiny- we know

Desiree- Mindless behavior!!!!!! I knew that I knew you guys from somewhere*pointing at them*

Destiny- What's a behaviorless mind or whatever df you said?????

Desiree- there a boy band my sister has them every where in her room

Destiny-oh cool

Desiree- this is more than just cool this is amazing girl wake up

Destiny- well anyways behavior my mind-

Boys-*cutting Destiny off smiling* Mindless Behavior!

Destiny- Yes like I said...............ummm we gotta bounce and do some home work

Prince- Well can we have y'all numbers

Destiny- ummm sure

I handed that Prince dude my phone and he handed me his and we exchanged numbers

Prod-What about us???

Destiny- ummm ok

I did the rest of them and Desiree did the same also she seemed a lil to Damn happy cause her ass was literally bouncing up and down like a fucking kangaroo. I just rolled my eyes and took her out the court area.

Destiny- calm down boo its like your in a sugar rush.

Desiree-we just met mindless behavior everyone at school is going to be so damn jealous and plus they wanted our numbers *smiling and clapping*

Destiny- Ok ok ok come to my house ok

Desiree- Yes ma'am

I arrived at my home and I saw my mom and dad in the living room.

Destiny-hey mom hey dad

Chris(Destiny 's dad)- hey baby girl where were you?

Destiny-basketball court with Desiree

Diana-oh how is she?

Destiny-good, we met a few new friends today at the court. Who's names appear to be mindless behavior Desiree knows them I don't.

Diana-there that boy group there really cute do you like one of them


Chris-which one he can get the father speech

Destiny-daddy I just met them like literally 10 minutes ago

Chris-just wanted to let you know I don't want any man in this word to destroy my little princess's heart *kissing her cheek*

Destiny-omg dad

Just then the door bell had ringed and I went to answer it. It was Desiree with a big ass smile on her face that's going to be there for days. I letted her in and she came and talked with my parents with me, then we went into my room to do our homework.

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