Chapter 11

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Destiny's POV

After I got engaged Prince was found no where. I couldn't find him anywhere. I just letter it go then I got dances with everyone including Brittany and my mom and dad. It was so much and I was glad everyone was having a good time but something was wrong. Something did feel right... I felt like I was missing something I felt........... empty.

After having snacks and dancing all over the place I found Prince on my porch starring out into the ocean.

Destiny- Hey you gonna come and join the party...

Prince-*Sniffing*Yea I'll be there in a sec.

Destiny- what's wrong?


He looked up at me and his eyes were blood shot red. I wonder what's wring with him Brittany probably broke up with him.

Destiny- What's wrong Prince?

He closed his eyes tightly and opened them again. I looked at him confused as to what he was doing. He raised his hand and grabbed my cheek and started leaning in. I grabbed his arm and he winced in pain.  I was confused cause I didn't even grab him that hard.

Destiny- omg I'm so sorry

Prince- It's ok

I flipped his sleeve back and saw a tattoo. It was in a letter so I read it.

"She's what I want. She's what I think about. She's who I love the most. But I can't except the fact that I can't have her."

At the bottom there was a heart with my name in it and a white ribbon that said Love. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me with sincere eyes. I just looked back down as he grabbed my hands in his.

Prince- I know I can't have you but you deserve to know the truth.....


Prince- No it doesn't matter anyways cause I'm to late and I can't do nothing about it......... I'm IN love with. ...... I've have been since the day I met you at the basketball court I guess that's called love at first sight. I've never stopped thinking about and every time I close my eyes I think about you....... I wish I could've did things different in the beginning. I've been a jerk lately and that's only because I wanted you to notice me but I didn't realize that I was pushing you away. I love you so much and I would do anything in this world to take his place. Your in good hands and you deserve something good like him.

I looked up at him with tears threatening to fall from my eyes. ..... I never knew he felt this way. But now he can't have me because I love someone else and I'm happy.

Prince- And now all I ask you for is one last kiss to make it all go away.

I didn't know what to do or say. I just stood the crying......................hell!!!!!!!! You would to. Eveything seems wrong and messed up. Prince started leaning in and I didn't stop him our lips touched and we kissed.... not a rough kiss that he forced it was passionate. He lick my bottom lip asking for an entrance and for the first I let him in then we started making out.  It felt so good in my heart but my mind was telling me no.

Eventually he pulled away and we starred into each other's eyes and he kissed my forehead, and a tear slip down.

Prince- Cheer up its your 19th birthday.*smiling* Happy Birthday...... Birthday day girl.

With that he walked off the porch and into the streets and I hadn't realized I was crying until my mom came on the porch and she hugged me.

DM(Destiny's mom)- It's ok baby

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