Chapter 4

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~ Friday~

Yay today is Friday no home work, best of all no MINDLESS BEHAVIOR! Yes ik you still wondering about that fight with me and Prince well me and him have been ignoring each other every since then and I don't have a problem with that my life had only got easier. Ik your also wondering why I hate Mindless Behavior. Well I don't necessarily hate them I just dislike them. You see hate is a very strong word and I won't ever say I hate some one or something to much pressure. I won't say it unless I mean it and I hope I never use that word ever anyways back to me and Mindless Behavior.

PRINCE Dumb ass thinks I'm........................ me............ Destiny is the jealous type but no honey I'm far from ever getting jealous especially over some player in a boy band who thinks every bitch on the planet wants to be on his Dic. But I guess he has met his match. Right now I'm in my last period and Roc is waking towards me. I'm cool with 3/4 of MB but the other 1/4 gottah go.

Destiny- wassup muscle

Roc-I thought I said stop calling me that

Destiny- ain't it the same thing considering your name is Roc and a rock is hard and you have big scary muscles and yea........................... do you see where I'm going with this

Roc-*laughing*yea I do

Destiny- good cause I was getting lost in my own Damn words


Destiny-so anyways what brings you over here muscles??

Roc-oh ummm..................


Roc-well me and the guys were wondering if you and Desiree wanted to come to our sleepover tonight........................

Destiny- Desiree can come if she wants I'm not her moma, but imma have to pass on the offer

Roc-aww c'mon Prince won't bother you, you guys haven't talked to each other for days he would have already made a move c'mon and I was planning on asking Desiree out

Destiny-*being loud catching everyone's attention* AWWW!!!!!

Roc-SSHHHHHHHH She doesn't know........

Destiny- Ok your secret is safe with me

Roc- thank you, but please come do it for Desiree I need your help

Destiny-Ok lil bro

Roc- I'm older than you, baby sis

Destiny-how do you know??


Destiny- Damn might as well tell the whole Damn neighborhood

Roc-that's why I love her

Destiny-aww y'all are the cutest things

Roc-Yes we are, so anyways me and the guys will pick you and desire up at your house after school

Destiny-Yes muscles

Roc gave me a look and then the bell ringed thank God. I walked to my locker to see Brittany and Prince making out on MY locker.

Destiny- I don't want to interrupt y'all but may I please get into my locker

Brittany- I'm sorry Destiny

Destiny- it's cool

Brittany had moved aside but Prince had acted like he didn't wanna move but eventually they did. Prince was smiling at me and I just mugged him he thinks I'm jealous this nigga needs to refresh his life someone press F5. I putted all my stuff in my locker then texted Desiree to come to my house with her sleepover things, then I went home.

~ At Home ~

I had grabbed a tiny bag from my closet and packed a few thing for this so called sleepover. Desiree was already her ready to go and a few minutes later prod nem, came knocking on my door. Me and Desiree got in the car and they drove to there house. The thing that I noticed was that Prince wasn't here. Oh well someone just got lucky.

~ mindless Behavior household ~

When we got there Roc had showed us our guest room that me and Desiree had to share which we don't mind since we are best friends like that.

Desiree- let's look sexy when we go down stairs

Destiny-you go right ahead

Desiree- no c'mon ma please we're team sexy

Destiny-where did team sexy come from

Desiree-shit I have no clue it just popped in my head, but serious c'mon don't you wanna look sexy for Prince

Destiny- ummm no id like Prince hun

Desiree-well c'mon give him something to look at, at least

Destiny- he's seen enough

Desiree-if you love me you'll do it *puppy dog face*

Destiny- fine lil girl

Desiree- yay

I had changed into some pink betty boop short shorts and a pink crop top with long white socks and my hair brushed down, thats as far as I'm going. We went downstairs making an entrance and the boys were starring at us well thus isn't the first.

Ray- how sexy can they get

Desiree- idk you tell me

Destiny- Can I go back up upstairs

Desiree- no let's play just Dance on the Kinect

Destiny- yay dancing*running to the screen*. I'm going first.

Me Desiree decided to dance to gimme dat by Ciara, and boy I'm trying to tell ya this song is hard you have to start off strong and then end strong. It ended up as a tie and when we turned and the boys chins were on the ground like it looked like they had 20 bricks stacked long ways in there mouth it was hilarious.

Prod- Damn y'all beat my score. How is that possible!!??!?!

Destiny- That song is hard

(Please watch the video to this song if you haven't this is something to see)

Just then Prince and Brittany were coming downstairs and she was glowing you know what that means. The boys started high fiving each other and me and Desiree just looked confused.

Desiree& Destiny- hey Brittany

Brittany- hey buddies I guess y'all spending the night huh


Destiny-she mad me come downstairs I was just gonna stick around upstairs in our room.

Brittany-*laughing*oh well have fun

Desiree&Destiny-bye Brittany

Brittany- BYE!!!*left house*

Prince-*hugging Desiree* hey Desiree

Desiree-ummm hi Prince

I just rolled my eyes and went to go and sit on the couch right when this nigga wants to sit beside me.

Destiny- ummm can you move

Prince- ummm last time I check this was my house you can just leave

Destiny-shit that's my dream

Ray- hey you to chill out this is a friend to friend sleepover so get along

Destiny-I get along with people I dislike when they are across the room out of sight.

Prince- and I get along with people I hate when they stop acting like hoe' s

Destiny-*standing up in prince's face* you really wanna go there again with me huh!!!!!!

Prince-*grabbing her hips pulling her into him* your so fucking sexy when your mad ma

Destiny-gross, good night people........

I was headed upstairs when I heard foot steps behind me. It must be Desiree, she might as well save her breath cause I'm not coming back down stairs. When I wondered our room I heard the door close and lock Wtf I looked up and saw it was Prince. Ooh hell naw...

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