Chapter 15

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Prodigy's Pov

We were in our limo going to our never school Coolsville high and Peince had feel alseep. Me and the guys were worried because he was shaking and sweating. I walked over to him and i kept calling his name. He woke up crying his eyes out. Me and the boys looked at each other like WTF?

Prince- She's gone

Roc- Who?

Prince- Destiny you bastard.!!!!!!

Prod- Who that girl who beated you at the basketball court yesterday.

He looked at me weird like i was stupid and i looked at him the same way.

Prince- That happened a long time ago ……………… not yesterday

Ray- What were you dreaming about..,.

Prince- Wait what you say……………

Ray- Ummm i said what were you dreamng about.

Prince- Hold up ……………you mean to tell me i was asleep this while fucking time.

R,P,R- Yes*nodding*

Prince- So destiny is ALIVE!!!! *getting happy*

Roc-*mumbling* Someones bipolar

Prod- Yea i think she's alive …………

Prince- Well lets go to school so i can see her.


I cant believe it was a dream so my baby is alive i cant wait to see her. We sat in the office waiting for the someone to give us our stuff so we can go to class.

The teacher came and took us to her class and everyone started cheering but i couldnt find Destiny. I wqs interrupted in my thoughts my someone walking in and my whole world had lit up. She look at us andmy heart started to race.

Prince-*hugging destiny* Your alive

Destiny- Umm i have been for 18 years noe.*Making a smart remark*

Prince- Same old Destiny in my dreams…………………

She tried to smile and i was heart broken…………i forgot that it was a dream. She walked over to Desireeand they sat down whispering. All the girls were looking at me and the guys like we were a bite to eat which made me feel uncomfortable.

That whole class period i was just starring at Destiny. She's so beautiful at a moment someone had throw a ball of paper at me and i looked at it then back at Destiny her turned her gazefrom me back to the teacher. I just smiled. When the bell ringed she grabbed her stuff and walked out quick and i chased after her.

I saw her talking to Desiree and she walked off towards my way and i came up with a plan. When she walked pass me i grabbed her and pulled her in the janitors closet with me.


Prince- We need to talk.

Destiny- Oh its you………………sorry but i have to go to class.

She reached for the door knob but i snatched her hand away then locked the door standing in front of it.

Prince- That can wait.

Destiny- Talk fast you have 2 minutes.

Prince- What?

Destiny- 1 minute

Prince- Are you serious

Destiny-*counting down* 60, 59, 58,57(GCO)

Prince- Okay okay……… Well i had a dream about you and it felt so real like i realized that i loved you…………… no i am in love with you and i was to late because you were getting married to an idoit who shot you because you choose me instead of him. Then you died and i was crying and next thing you know i wake up in my limo with the boys telling me i was sleep the whole time.*Saying it very quickly*

Destiny- Thats nice.

She tried to het pass me and out but i just grabbed het hand and she grabbed mine and i screamed in pain.

Destiny- Omg are you ok.

She looked at my arm then read my tattoo. Wait didnt i get that in my dream. She gasp as she read it then she looked at me. I was hoping she would catch everything. She holding her forhead like she was in deep thought.

Destiny- Ive seen that somewhere....,..,but i dont where.

I looked her in her eyes and we had holded our gaze for awhile until i started leaning in. She was looking scared, but i got this. When our lips touched she was tense and it was and electric shock when we kissed. I was truly fall hard.

When she pulled away she was smiling hard at me.

Destiny- I remember

I smiled from ear to ear and she pulled me down and kissed me which turned into a heated make out seesion. I was the happiess man alive i got my girl and nothing was gonna make me happier and i mean nothing.

─────────THE END─────────

Yes i know its short what this aint no damn harry potter book so yea cut me some slack and this is my first book ik its lame and all not like the other books but i wanted to try something different. If you want a sequel leme know. Peace 

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