Chapter 13

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Destiny- what are you doing here

David- I missed you and i came to do something but now i see i have to choices.....

Destiny- And that is.…………

David- Oh yall find out. *looking at Prince*

Prince- Just let her go and we can have a man to man convo or in this case man to boy……………*smirking*

David-*holding out gun* Ayy dont test nigga cause i can blow yo fucking brains out, lil nigga


I slapped prince in his arm because he is really about to get us killed. David had smiled at me and i almost melted. Whhhaaattt? Like i said he is my first love……… I just cant let that go.

David- Destiny who do you want? Me or that.*Pointing the gun at Prince*

Destiny- Idk whats gottin into you but thus isnt my david………idk who you are and i havent even decided who i want because i love you both truly. Each of you have made me weak in thr knees im just confused so i was just not gonna choose neither of you cause i said you guys can do better.……………………but know i see who i want……………

David- That's…………………

Destiny- That's……………

Destiny- Prince

Prince looked at ne with hope in his eyes abd i just smiled at him. I wanted to kiss him so bad right now but not with this little conflict. I looked over at David and he literally was about to break down in a second i felt sorry for him. He just stood there trying to act tuff but i knew what he was feeling. When he pulled hiself together he looked angry and mad all in one and that kind of scared me i never seen him this way.

David- Well princess there wilk never be happy endings.

Prince- Wtf are you talking about.

David- This……………

He holded the gun up in Princes head and i just stood there scared af.

David- Say goodbye.

Destiny- DAVID NO.

He stopped and looked at me with hope.

Destiny- David what is this gonna prove if you kill him…………… its not gonna make me love you and run into your arms its gone make me run away…………

David-*Laughing then looking at Destiny* Your right.

I smiled at him then he raised the guy up at me oh no.

David- If i cant have her………………then no one can .

Just when prince was about to speak.…………… BAAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

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