Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning to my big loud ass alarm clock. I hopped in the shower doing my normal hygiene routine with washing my hair. When I got out I wrapped my hair and my body then entered my huge walk-in closet. Today this morning is school I really didn't wanna go yes everyone at school knows me. I'm popular but not so popular at the same time. I'm not scared to do anything. I'm like the girls on bad girls club any bitch can catch the paws. Me and Desiree are on the cheerleading team yes we are some divas. We go to Coolsville high here in LA which is the life.

Anyways today I was gonna wear some black tights, green crop top and some green converse and sliver hoops with my hair in deep brown curls. Damn I look sexy with a capitol 'S'.

I grabbed my keys to my car and kissed my mom and dad good bye then headed out the door to school.

When I arrived it was all the same everyone looking and smiling at me and boys winking at me or biting there lips just the same old same old. I went too my locker and saw the cheerleading squad outside and then the cheerleading captain came towards me. Brittany she's really cool and all but sometimes she can be a complete bitch when she wants to.

Brittany-Destiny we are outside performing come it's gonna be fun, and plus the principle said so cause we have special new students coming and he wants a good well impression on the school.

Destiny-Ok be out in a second

Brittany-Ok hurry hurry hurry or you'll miss out on all of the fun

I smiled at her and she walked away really happy I wonder who is so special that the whole damn school has to be involved in it.I just shrugged it off then went outside.I saw all of the girls stretching so I did to. Do you ever sometimes just sense some one staring at you and you know it.Well that's what I'm feeling I turned around to get a quick glance and saw it was the whole football team oh gosh aren't they suppose to be some where else throwing a football or some shit.

I was interrupted in my thoughts by a big black limo pulling up at the school then Brittany started clapping her hands and cheering.

Brittany-there here there here there here there here...... ok girls squad routine #12

The whole squad did as told then finished the routine off in a pyramid with Brittany on top. You know sometimes I think Brittany is jealous of my don't judge me or anything but anyone can tell like she has the body of an 3 year old and I have one as if I'm Nick Minja. No like I'm 100% being real with y'all this bitch looks like a Damn stick no ass no chest. But let me stop cause she ain't no harm towards me I hope.......

Brittany-Ok girls lets head in and please make it to class on t-

Brittany was cut off by the bell and we all ran off leaving her there looking lost. When I entered my 1st period the whole class starring at the front of the classroom I looked behind me and there they were Mindless Behavior. They all looked at me and smiled I just took my seat in the back next to Desiree.

Destiny-*whispering* Wtf is going on ain't they suppose to be famous or something why are they here

Desiree-idk but ain't it great

Destiny- *being sarcastic* sure

Ms.Samples- is there a problem back there ms. Jackson

Destiny- no ma'am

Me.Samples- gentle men please have a seat in the empty desk in the back for me please

They nodded and I thought for a moment hold up me and Desiree were at the back so that meant..........

Prince-hello there may I please sit next to you miss

Destiny- umm-

Desiree- *cutting Destiny off* yes you may

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